As a non-white man from a tropical country now living in a colder state in the USA, this is somehow me too.
Tell him some tree facts. For example, “did you know that the bulk of tree mass comes from air?”, etc.
Don’t kink-shame them!
If you clone them, you’ll lose their functions.
A police officer drover over and killed an Indian student in Seattle, and when he found out, he laughed about it. He did apologize later but the system that led to it is still in place. Hate the game.
Manufacturers not taking responsibility of their waste not just of manufacturing but after what they produced hits the garbage dumps. I think if you make something, you should be responsible for un-making its physical world impact.
To me it looks more like a Bertha.
More open and honest and fight for privacy. Also their devtools are top notch.
The developer tools are top notch. Chrome is slower and sucks.
It can never be either I think. It is more of “I don’t choose to eat bugs ever” than “I never eat bugs”.
That can be a double edged sword.
God bless you dude. I’m happy for you. I’ll take some happiness from your post.
I agree with this. I’m center overall as an average of my views, not that I’m cutting every view I have exactly between left and right. I kind of feel this way.
Any game show where there are only 2 players and second place wins.
That is it! Looks like a 73 Camaro. Thank you!