JK1348 [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2022


  • I had the same thing I had a hangover kit that I would follow to make the hangover less harsh it was right around the time I quit too

    I’m happy you had a safe environment around your family mine would prefer I “loosen” up by drinking, in fact quitting made me realize that there was a lot of toxic dynamics within my family that need to be addressed, I never realized drinking was a form of tolerating it. I’m naturally extroverted so I thought parties and dancing was gonna be different, it was an adjustment but I still like to be outgoing and boogie, I just had to do it without alcohol, I find good substitutions in weed or psychedelics though as my tool to unwind when I need it

  • Thank you it’s been a hard journey, I found that the 2 weeks to 2 month mark was the hardest that’s when I can truly say I experienced physical withdrawals. I would get headaches when I saw alcohol or others drinking at parties I would get headaches.

    When I quit coke, I was told there would be physical withdrawals but I experienced more psychological ones than anything which is what scares me about alcohol. I felt this deep calling to return to it, I still the thought of the hangover really keeps me away at my age.

  • I quit drinking been clean for a year and a half, I just turned 31, at this age the hangovers are just too overwhelming for me to tough them out anymore. And quite honestly after completely quitting and seeing the upside I highly recommend to all my fellow comrades here.

    Now I am no saint, I love weed and psychedelics but after extensive research I find those to be a lot more better for me recreationally and yes therapeutically. But to each their own.

    I wish I never drank honestly I threw away my 20s, wasted time, destroyed the only long term relationship I ever had, and it was a gateway to harder drugs like cocaine. Which was the first thing I quit after battling a crazy addiction to it. Scarface level shit.

    What truly terrifies me is now that I’ve quit my once close family members would rather feel something is wrong with me for not drinking and preferring psychedelics over alcohol. Even when they say out loud that they support me their actions say otherwise.

    If anyone is trying to quit drink my DMs are open to share my experience

  • CW: self harm, addiction, SA . . . . .

    Ok I’m going to tell you what not to do based on my huge errors

    I was dumped by my ex of 6 years on our anniversary and she ran off with someone else. I deserved it, I was an excessive alcoholic coke dealing addict.

    Now when I was dumped I knew it was well deserved given what I mentioned. And well I went on a bender, i got black out drunk constantly including blowing massive amounts of coke, real Scarface moment. And well eventually that same week, i was roofied and sexually assaulted by a white woman.

    I was going to off myself after that, by driving off a cliff. but I called a suicide hotline and was referred to therapy which I’m still doing today. That was 2018. I was 27 then.

    I’ve recovered a lot, I quit coke later that year, gave up that hustle. And today I’ve turned most of my life around, I quit drinking alcohol last year.

    If I could do it again I would tell myself to sit and process with the emotions of that bombshell that being dumped was… Unfortunately I ran to places to numb myself more and got very hurt. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted, but it’s something I had to really process, because if I had handled things better I wouldn’t have gone to a bar… I would have gone straight to therapy. So if you have the means I highly recommend it. I’m 31 now, live on my own and do my best to constantly work on myself mentally, if it wasn’t for therapy I would have never been aware of my ADHD diagnosis a year into the therapy sessions.

    If you need advice I know what it’s like to go through this stuff at our age, my DMs are open for you.

    I believe in soul mates I’m a spiritual person, but each day you hang in there I promise you get stronger just don’t dive into any hedonistic &/or escapist behavior. Trust me

    Edit: Working out is also I started doing immediately, it helps clear the mind.