Served in the Krogan uprisings. Now I run a podcast

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Do you know if these folks actively develop it or do they just apply patches to the Firefox codebase ?

    Like do they just pre configure a bunch of about config settings and the pre installed search or do they harden the binaries at compile time ?

    I’ve not kept up with this but I’m curious if there is any real advantage of this over Firefox after it has been configured. If not I would stick with Firefox as it will get security updates quicker by people who know the source code intimately.

    Anyway not shitting on anyone’s choices here just curious.

  • Random hackers, companies, dragnet surveillance.

    The companies are probably the biggest exposure as we are forced to interact with them for utilities, flights etc . They get hacked all of the time and dont bother to secure their data.

    Also as a side note I hate how lots of places just assume you want to download their shitty spyware ridden apps or hand over your phone number or an email.

  • Only remote access by wireguard and ssh on non standard port with key based access.

    Fail2ban bans after 1 attempt for a year. Tweaked the logs to ban on more strict patterns

    Logs are encrypted and mailed off site daily

    System updates over tor connecting to onion repos.

    Nginx only has one exposed port 443 that is accessible by wireguard or lan. Certs are signed by letsencrypt. Paths are ip white listed to various lan or wireguard ips.

    Only allow one program with sudo access requiring a password. Every other privelaged action requires switching to root user.

    I dont allow devices I dont admin on the network so they go on their own subnet. This is guests phones and their windows laptops.

    Linux only on the main network.

    I also make sure to backup often.