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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Federation isn’t a mess, it’s just… messier. And too many federated services do their damnedest to hide that they function differently, meaning people treat them like they’re perfect drop-in replacements.

    It results in a lot of questions about “Why can’t I ____?” and answers of the “Because this doesn’t work that way” variety.

    Like, look at Mastodon. It bends over backwards to hide the fact that it’s 10,000 different websites. The result is that people could not understand what the big deal was, nor why it wasn’t as easy to see everything from some other website as easily as they could from a single website that everyone was using.

    This further led to centralization of the Mastodon ecosystem, which… I mean, at that point, you’re just abandoning the central concept.

  • I think you may have confused capitalism with commerce.

    Capitalism is about leveraging capital to generate wealth for the capital owner. The purist form of this is a subscription basedbsales model, where you always maintain ownership of assets, but everyone else pays you for access to them.

    Capitalism is rent seeking. It will always devolve to this, given the opportunity, because this is the most efficient way of accruing more wealth, and that is what capitalism optimizes for.

    Commerce exists separately from capitalism. It’s just a form of trade.

  • I genuinely don’t think so. Even though it’s technically federated, it’s still mostly under a thin veneer of an “App”, and hiding its true nature.

    It’d be more like if Lemmy.world released its mobile app, that could connect to any other Lemmy instance, but that buried that functionality enough that 98% of people downloading it just ended up on LW.

    That’s not really federation, and it’s definitely not doing anything to make people comfortable with the idea.

  • One of the nice things this time around is that Lemmy has really crystallized as an ecosystem. It’s missing some significant niches, but now people who need a working example, and can’t just envision it based off of the concept, can see it truly in action, instead of just seeing Leninist wankery.

    Future waves should, hopefully, be stickier.