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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • There’s probably bullshit jobs.

    But there’s probably a lot that you think are “Bullshit jobs” and really you mean “I don’t see what they do” I thought “Scrum master” was a joke of a title for someone to do fuck all. Then I had to take over for my scrum master for 2 weeks. Holy shit, that was the most eye opening experience. He’s in 6 hours of meetings a day, talking to management, designing future work, working on requirements, dealing with the minutia, dealing with three different PMs who need work done by us, and prioritizing their requests to get everything done, assisting everyone on and off the team, and basically keeping the 6 of us on the team from dealing with what we would call “Annoying pointless shit” which is actually really important for other people.

    My scrum master talks about “Seeing the bigger picture” and I get it now. But the thing is it’d also be really easy for someone to think he has a “Bullshit job”… but he’s also the reason we work 40 hour weeks and not 80 hours.

  • I tip twenty most places. Easy to calculate and fair.

    I see this and they have gotten my tip. If you work there and are upset by that, then you need to find another job because the company is stealing your tips no matter what. And I personally won’t return, because it’s never the best restaurants who pull this shit.

    Similarly if a company puts automatic gratuity on my bill that’s the tip as well… And usually it’s less than I’d give freely.

    If Americans are supposed to tip extra it their choice. If you want to define service charges or something like this, then you’ve made your choice. Greedy fucks trying to hide these extra charges need to stop. I’ll pay more for food on a menu if that’s what it takes but trying to sneak it is bullshit.

  • Let me put it this way.

    If you don’t like your bidet, you don’t trigger it. If you like it, you enjoy it.

    My wife and I enjoy it quite a bit. To the point that when I used the other bathroom, there’s been at least one case, where I’ve cleaned up in there, went into the other bathroom and got a better clean.

    As for “how to use it” It will depend on the bidet on how to use it, but for ours you turn the knob, spray your special areas (There’s two directions to turn, as a guy I don’t notice a major difference, but I imagine a woman might, as one spray feels a bit “longer”, but not to the point where I think it’ll hit everything down there" You get jet water on your bum, I tend to move around a little to make sure it’s getting the whole area, then turn it off. Then wipe (I use toilet paper).

    You wipe more to “Dry” than to “Clean” which is a lovely feeling.

    There’s two must buys in the bathroom, the squatty potty and the bidet. I would say the Squatty potty is more important (I miss it more) but the bidet is getting up there.

  • politics-related data


    I’m annoyed with how low-effort, entirely un-researched content

    And you think a wiki will solve that? Lol… yeah this is a bad idea.

    No one should trust a wiki for anything other than information on a tv show or a boss, and even then trust but verify. And this is something that you would need to trust.

    You’re better off creating a blog, or find already established blogs who do this, because stuff like Five Three Eight exists. ’

    “Original research”

    There’s a reason peer reviewed research is practically required, and even then there’s HUGE problems with that model, but having people go out for original research is basically saying “Let people make up bullshit.”… not a good idea.