• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Would I get a tattoo, no? Do I like them on others? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    I have never thought that they were particularly creative, if anything I always felt quite the opposite.

    That feeling was confirmed when I was invited to a tattoo expo with a friend, there were perhaps 70 exhibitors, and all of them had the exact same or highly derivative trendy designs, and I think two of the exhibitors had unique art. That really said a lot to me.

  • Yeah I don’t know why DuckDuckGo keeps getting recommended as much as it does.

    I couldn’t find on Google, the answer to a simple question the other day. All I wanted to know was the precooked weight of a particular fast food restaurant’s patty.

    I made it to page 3 of the Google results, wading through page after page of promotional content, news releases, and sponsored “news-style” articles that were thinly veiled ads.

    Decided to visit duck duck go, and was greeted with search results that were even worse than Google.

    I realize it’s only one example, but to me it was an example of a search so specific, its egregious that the search engines simply refuse to return a page with the answer.

  • Look man, I’m not trying to isolate you or pick on you… But I find this kind of victim mentality to be exhausting and frankly, intellectually dishonest.

    You know darn well that your choices are not limited to pay or starve. You have the ability to adapt your life and to change your consumption patterns.

    I even called out the “I guess I’ll die then” mentality in a previous comment. Get a grip on your own life, and stop being a feebleton, acting like a trapped animal that has no ability to govern their own life.

    Perhaps there is a middle solution, where you examine your consumption patterns and realize that you’ve become a victim of the “convenience tax” and you can opt out at any time.

  • In my view, the issue is that most people are not willing to change their own patterns in the slightest.

    It’s always somebody else’s responsibility to give things exactly how they want. Personal responsibility and decisions have no play.

    “Fuck Nestle. Oh yeah but I needed water, what was I supposed to do, die? I had no choice but to purchase water in plastic, there was no other store around and I don’t know how to plan for my needs in advance. There is simply no way to anticipate that I could have needed water and fill a reusable bottle before I leave the house.”

    “The price of fast food is insane. It does not occur to me that I don’t need to purchase this, and I have no inherent right to get it at a cheap price. It has also never occurred to me to go to the grocery store. Oh wait, yes it actually did occur to me, but I really don’t want to cook, I want somebody else to make the food for me and for it to be cheap.”

    Personally, I’m done with Sony, I’m done with Nestle, I’m done with Walmart, I’m done with fast food, I’m done with Netflix. I’m done with all the places that behave unethically, and it would not be fair of me to complain about them while also patronizing them. I don’t think you’ll find this attitude in general population.

  • I live in central Canada.

    I am reading the comments, and I am noticing that other people’s experiences are very different than mine.

    For me, Google Search has reached the point where it will not even give me results for my search terms. I say this without an iota of hyperbole.

    It’s so coincidental that this conversation comes up, but I actually sat there yesterday agog, looking at my desktop Firefox browser window… Scrolling through the entire search results page and realizing that not a single thing was even close to what I searched

    It is noteworthy because I have been observing a steady decline, but it was the very first time I could make use of literally nothing that they gave back. In an unsettling way, the gravity of it hit me emotionally right there.

  • Krudler@lemmy.world
    toUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    As a former building/property manager, the steps to take are to record the audio, then take the complaint directly by email to your management company. You must specify that the problem should be solved within one week and that if not resolved you will escalate.

    Don’t argue, don’t negotiate, simply establish the request that the noise be dealt with.

    After one week, go to the tenancy board in your area, and go through them. Keeps receipts and recordings.

    You have the legal right not to be disturbed in your rented accommodation, and it’s too bad, so sad if they have dogs. Other tenants may not disturb your peace at any time, period.

    Don’t communicate to anybody verbally about this, don’t complain to your neighbor, don’t verbally tell the landlady, just go straight to the management company with a documented request, and follow up with legal enforcement.

  • Krudler@lemmy.world
    OPtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldIt seems like all packaged foods do this now
    5 months ago

    I think its a fair question from a certain perspective.

    However, the law requires that the package contents contain at least as much as stated. If humidity is an issue, it’s up to the manufacturer to factor that in. Besides, this is dry pasta my friend.

    I also bought salami. It was 13 g short. It’s produced in the plant 4km from me.

    There are no excuses to short the customer and it is illegal.