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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024

  • Mozilla isn’t google. They took it back and encouraged the guy to reach out in the future if any issues arise.

    BFD, it’s not like they banned his account, just one gimped extension that doesn’t do the whole ad blocking experience and even then only because he didn’t do anything to try and reverse it. Then after it’s restored he throws his tantrum and removes it.

    With all the extensions out there false positive detections of malicious apps are going to happen. Nobody has unlimited resources to hire boatloads of devs to review every single line of code of every extension for every update done. That’s an insane expectation.

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFree Thinker
    4 days ago

    We’ve never had real communism.

    I don’t think human nature will allow for true communism at scale. Like all political organizations beyond a handful of people, corruption is de facto present and completely at odds with the theory.

    People can swear up and down that it’s doable but I truly don’t think it could ever be by humans. We are too selfish.

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFree Thinker
    13 days ago

    I mean, the argument that communism is slavery to the state is a real and valid argument as of 2024.

    It’s not like capitalism is any less a form of slavery, except instead of stealing from everybody to give to everybody it steals from everybody and gives it all to insurance companies and other businesses benefiting oligarchs. The whole system is slavery under another name, work for the luxury of having a place to sleep at night so that your owner can live a comfortable life. Slavery to many masters who use your body for their gains.

    There’s not going to be a system that you’re not a slave to though, unless we somehow find a way to trivially convert matter to energy and vice versa and build a utopia where machines do everything for us… and we all share the rewards. All hail science fiction communism? (and keep in mind science fiction keeps becoming reality! Just don’t hold your breath for this in our lifetimes.)

  • TheBananaKing is offensive. It is a reference to Banana Republics, you know the system where corporations marginalize an entire populace and make them produce their product for profit. You should really change your username. It’s trivial and nobody will care if you change it.

    Obviously I do think this is as absurd as asking a company to change it’s name which was named after the founder, but you went there and presented the argument for it. I can at least understand moving away from master/slave in computing especially in future products and revisions but making someone change their business name which is named after the founder’s is ludicrous.

    That being said, the only reason why the company changed the name was because it gave them good PR in the form of free advertising- just imagine all the headlines. Since you have no upside to changing yours, I know you won’t do it. Humanity is full of virtue signaling hypocrites who are just out for themselves.

  • The trend of “let’s make a woke cast of characters that are all from different cultural backgrounds!!111” and then completely abandoning good storytelling and worldbuilding is maddening.

    I get there have always been garbage stories but most of the failures have all been from replacing a good story with ideology. You can’t just abandon good story with established world logic and expect fans to not be up in arms. For some reason people forget that the only reason why characters become idols is because of the great stories they are in, not because the character looks like xyz (though cool character design does score some points too.)

    I don’t really have many videogame examples of this stuff, just movies and tv shows. Games can usually get away with a bad story and good gameplay or perhaps vice versa. Movies and TV have no gameplay (depth) to fall back on.

  • All I know is what many have said time and time again. There is one main thread that everything else depends on, so no matter how much horsepower you throw at it you are constrained by whatever logic or calculation that one thread is doing.

    For all I know it’s a memory bandwidth thing or even a disk access thing pertaining to that one thread which makes everything else wait. They use their own homegrown engine and there’s a bottleneck in the code somewhere, obviously.

    I’m kind of surprised they don’t have something that’s more scalable because they built a new engine for X:Rebirth which came out in 2013. Maybe they started the engine rebuild before dual core and quad core cpus were mainstream in the late 2000s.