• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • These lunatics have a disturbing amount of control in the US government.

    Laughing at them might be fun, and I was doing it until recently, but they’re not joking. The worse our climate disasters become – and they will very soon – the more scared people will become, and the more these groups will take advantage of that fear. We’ll see more climate refugees, more desperation, and more fear. These groups prey on fear, and they’ll amplify it on purpose.

    True fascism thrives on fear, which is why these people amplify it like they do. When climate disasters accelerate, these groups will harness the social upheaval to take control. I don’t know what we can do to stop it, but we should all be thinking about and sharing ways to head it off, because they’ve got plans in place already.

    I know I sound paranoid, but I’ve been watching them and these aren’t my ideas, but theirs. They talk about this a lot, and if we aren’t prepared, their plans could actually work. I don’t want to live in the fascist future they’re planning. If we don’t combat it, we’ll be living in the Handmaid’s Tale before most of us realise.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    If it makes you feel better, I’ve never once in five decades had private talks with my girlfriends where any of them said a guy wasn’t manly for having feelings or not being a lumberjack-type. Quite the opposite, in fact. Women in my circles fawned over guys who had empathy and didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about it. Even our teenage heartthrobs were called girly-men by guys.

    I’m glad you don’t give a fuck. Stay healthy. :)

  • LillyPip@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    Had a guy argue with me for longer than I should have engaged that the problem was toxic feminism and that women’s standards are causing this. That women are raising their sons wrong.

    Like, my guy, who is imposing this standard of machismo on men but other men? Who’s calling guys pussies for ordering ‘girly’ drinks at the pub? I’ve never seen a woman do that. Who’s bullying guys in locker rooms for not being manly enough? Women aren’t even in there.

    Your problem isn’t feminism, it’s toxic masculinity, enforced by other men. But go ahead and blame women for your problems. We’re used to it by now.

  • It does happen in slow motion, and every single time, some people see it happening. They march and wave their arms shouting FASCISM! whilst their neighbours call them hyperbolic.

    If you read contemporaneous accounts, you can feel the frustration.

    Or… I thought I could feel the frustration, until recently (eta: if you haven’t read They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer, please do as soon as possible). Now it’s doubly frustrating. I keep wracking my brain, wondering what I can do that they didn’t. I can’t stop this, so I keep saying ‘if you were a German in the 1930s, knowing what you know now, what would you do?’

    I don’t know the answer to that. I know many Germans saw it coming and couldn’t stop it.

    What the fuck can we do? Because it is absolutely coming.

    e: oh, and worse, trump isn’t actually the problem. He’ll likely lose, then everyone will high five that we’ve defeated The Problem, but Trump is just their carnival barker. He could die tomorrow and the threat wouldn’t change. There’s a solid fascist movement in the US and elsewhere that will not stop with trump’s defeat. There are thousands of them in high levels of the US government , and they’ll barely miss a beat without trump. He barely matters, and I’m afraid when he loses, the fascist movement behind this will find a wide opening.