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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2020


  • Even if I don’t agree with you on all of what you said I agree with most of it. Sound reasoning and all that. The autism/aspergers ‘excuse’ is definitely hard to accept given his history.

    Regardless, someone like him simply shouldn’t be at the positions he has held if the open source community is to gain progress.

    I’m conflicted here. The fact that he’s a weirdo is kind of irrelevant imo. He’s philosophically uncompromising and unmoved by social pressure. The only thing separating him from most tech CEOs is that he lacks an organization investing millions into his health, image, publicity etc Most big time executives are degenerates but no one cares because they are good at what they do. I think he’s good at making software free even if he’s a socially inept [insert criticism here] in his personal life. Additionally I’m saying this as someone who disagrees with him on basically every other issue he takes a stand on.

  • In this specific example, my question is why pay farmers to not grow crops instead of encouraging them to create a surplus and just paying them the difference in the price drop?

    The farmers are getting paid to do nothing ergo if you stop compensating them for doing nothing they will grow crops instead to make up for the difference. The government is whole reason this scenario is messed up in the first place.

  • Poor options doesn’t mean no options. People aren’t starving or “not eating” as the meme suggests. I never said “Poor people have it great, get everything they want and have a great diet”. My point is that poor people have so much food (of varying quality) that they are obese which is in contrast to the rest of the world. Don’t forget that most middle class Americans are obese too. Statistically most people in America eat poorly regardless of their income.