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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Oh yeah. That’s absolutely the case for disability I believe. If you start to make a certain amount they just take away benefits. And the amount you have to make to lose benefits it’s actually less money than what the benefits themselves are.

    I know people personally who are affected by that situation.

    Very good thing to point out and wasn’t something I was thinking about. Thank you.

    I guess it would be more accurate to say your paycheck from your job will never be less money due to making more money.

  • To be honest I actually don’t think it sounds all that bad. If it were forced military service I’d think it was terrible. But it sounds like you can just do community service instead of the military training. And it’s just one weekend a month for twelve months. Given how much we’re disconnected from our communities these days I think making sure kids engage with their communities in this way could actually be really beneficial.

    That’s just thinking about this one policy in a Vaccuum though. I know nothing about British politics so I have no clue what other awful and heinous shit this party may or may not be into.

  • Yeah, I mean, if someone politely asked another person to stop calling them some phrase or another and they refused they’re definitely an asshole. No doubt about it.

    In the same token though if someone gets rude and indignant over someone calling them dude one time that person is also an asshole.

    We should be treating people with respect. Period.

  • If someone were to take offense to me calling them dude I would absolutely make every effort to stop the behavior. I would never want anyone to feel invalidated over something like that.

    That being said I feel like this whole outrage is manufactured to rile people up. I highly doubt many people are getting worked up over it. Dude has very much become a gender neutral term and is even now just used as an exclamation. I’d be willing to bet a large portion, if not the large majority, of the trans community doesn’t give a fuck about the term and they probably use it themselves.

  • I think in this scenario it’s pretty clearly B. Though I have a secondary scenario. What if you’re standing against a wall and the portal slams into that wall. You’re against the wall but the wall itself never goes through the portal. Would you still get launched then? The portal is still moving when you go through it but stops abruptly as soon as it reaches the wall. You’re still physically touching the wall that’s now on the other side of the portal. Would you get forced off of it and launched?