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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Sorry for the late reply! This is an incredibly extensive list, thank you so much! I’ll have to give the game another go at some point here. It seems super charming, so maybe if I go into it with this added knowledge, I’ll be able to get my bearings. Have you tried the new game that just released a while back? I think it was called my time at Sandrock?

  • I am begrudgingly continuing my NG+ run of elden ring today so that I can play the DLC on Friday. It’s my own fault because I started NG+ thinking I would get through it. But after an almost 200 hour first playthrough, I was done and put it down.

    I am not a big fan of how the DLC requires you to get further into the game to play it. But that minor gripe aside, I am quite interested to see where they take us in the DLC. I’m thinking I’ll need to fight my way to be able to respec again and I might go into the game as a spellcaster once more. Not quite sure just yet, but thinking about the possibilities is getting me a bit hyped haha

  • Stardew Valley is the game that keeps on giving. At this point, I wish there was just more. More towns to visit, more activities, more everything.

    The only thing that does kind of suck is that after year 1 I feel like I’ve kind of mastered whatever I was attempting to do. I’ve heard some people say after year 1 is where they enjoy the game the most, but idk I feel like by that point I’m making more money than I need and the only thing left to do is collect stuff or attempt the skull cavern.

    But man. That first year is a blast. I’ve been thinking I should try out more mods or possibly a jojamart run at some point

  • Valve works differently than other companies. Internally everyone works on what they want when they want. You can literally wheel your desk to a new location if you decide to want to work with another team. Because of this though it creates an odd dynamic that isn’t always going to work out best for the developers or the consumers.

    This is why it feels extremely random whenever valve releases something new. You would think they would just release banger after banger of hot AAA titles. But it’s more complicated than that unfortunately. This is also reflected in things like fixing cheats in team fortress 2 etc etc.

    This video will answer a lot of your questions


  • For destiny, I have no idea. I first played D2 when it launched and that was fine, but I attempted to pick it up again a year or two later and I was immediately lost.

    For overwatch I agai haven’t played in quite some time. But for multiplayer shooters like that I try to go into a casual mode or training mode first and just get a feel for everything. Eventually you get the hang of things.

    For RPG’s it depends. Some games can benefit from reading up online. For example I’m playing bloodborne right now and I had no idea how I wanted to spec out my character. So I looked up what weapons and abilities are in the game and made my decision based around that. If a game features a respec option, I’ll be more likely to just go in and wing it and change things up when I need to.