Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • They key for gyro aiming on a console where the screen is attached, is to get the movement to be as one to one as possible, to make it work as if the screen is a portal into the game world that turns in a matching direction as you move the device.

    I had this revelation back with the PS Vita, where Killzone Mercenaries worked this way by default. It was magical for an FPS game to play that well on the tiny vita with its miniature analogue sticks.

    The joystick camera input and gyro also worked in concert, I’m fairly certain the game hybridized the input signals such that if you moved the device to correct your aim, that would override any current input signal from the stick, making it possible to correct overshoot and undershoot in a way that almost felt like the console was reading your mind.

    I’ve not been able to get that with steam input, but you can get close.

  • No, actually.

    Your game files do not need to be inside a prefix, and I generally do not set things up that way.

    Same as on windows you can have your c drive, but then install games to a different drive. You can mount any file location as an additional drive in wine. There is usually already a “z” drive mounted, which gives the prefix access to the filesystem outside the prefix.

    This means there’s not actually any need to place things inside the prefix, except for save files which need to be in specific locations like appdata or documents.

    So to move things over and run them, you’d just copy the game files anywhere you like. To run a game, instead of a location on the c drive, you’d use the corresponding z drive path to the exe.

    With bottles, this is super easy. Set up a bottle, and copy any save files into the prefix. Easily done with “browse files” from the config page of a bottle, which will open the fake c drive in a file browser.

    With a configured bottle, simply navigate to the game .exe. Right click it, and select run with bottles. Bottles will ask which bottle to run it with, and that’s that. Alternatively, use the “Run executable” button found on the config page of the bottle. For ease of use, add the exe to the bottle as a shortcut.

    Shortcuts can then also be added as start menu items, or even added to steam.

    No need to fiddle with putting all the game files inside the fake c drive.

    Setting things up this way means you have your prefix, with save files and such, separate from the game files. You can easily delete or add games, without touching the save-file-containing prefix, and move games around to wherever you need and still have them work.

    You can re-use the same bottle for many games, and keep the save files for those games in one prefix.

    If a given game needs a bit more massaging to work, bottles makes it very easy set up and manage additional bottles for any such games.

  • Are you seriously suggesting that more advanced propulsion and suspension systems would eliminate the need for traction?

    Have you ever ridden a bike on just the rims?

    It sucks. And I don’t mean just in terms of comfort. There’s a reason mountain bikes with the most advanced suspension systems still need soft knobbly tires in addition to their suspension systems to do what they do.

    Trains and trams are far more efficient large scale transport options, but cars and smaller personal transport options like scooters and bicycles have their place, too. Despite our current over-reliance on them, they aren’t useless. There are use-cases where they are the best option. The same goes for the tire.

    The compliant tire is the best option for an off-rails vehicle. No, suspension cannot replace it, not in terms of cost (and I don’t mean money, I mean materials and energy) and especially not in terms of functionality.

    That’s not how wheels work.

    You can’t just ignore traction and claim you can make an effective vehicle of any kind with materials that don’t wear if only sufficiently advanced propulsion and suspension were applied.

    Even on skateboards, warehouse vehicles, and similar, the wheel isn’t just a solid cylinder of metal or some other non-compliant low-wear material.

    It’s a hard hub, wrapped in plastic, or rather, polyurethane. A compliant grippy material that serves a very important purpose in improving the performance of the wheel. You can’t replace a compliant wheel material with somehow better suspension. You still need it for grip, even on perfectly flat surfaces.

    Trains make up for their low traction (and therefore high efficiency) with slow steady acceleration/deceleration and extreme weight. Their design principles cannot be applied to personal vehicles, which do serve their own purposes.