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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • The only departement you don’t really need, except your competitors have one, so now you need one too.

    And the problem for me is not with a simple ad for the local grocery store. It’s when they made a science out of influencing people and targeting specific groups and working on your subconscious.

    I would like to think that I’m not affect by marketing. But the truth is that we all are being led by subtle marketing too, not just the obvious marketing.

    So in a way, they affect the choices I make and I don’t want anybody but me to make the choices.

    Obviously marketing is not going away now. If anything, it will only get more intrusive and intense. I hate marketing…

  • If that is the only thing saving you from RSI you’re going to get it anyway.

    I’ve had the pleasure, and your body posture and mental state of mind are much more important. Getting up every now and then is also important, changing seat position helps, and doing some sport also helps.

    Both of my arms did hurt so much I could not cut my own meat. Mouse or no mouse:(.

    Am much better now though.

  • Netherlands here. You can get a permit for sport shooting or hunting. Guns for self defense are not allowed.

    Any violence used to catch a burglary or somebody breaking in has to be a reasonable response. So if they have no weapon and you hit them with a baseball bat you are actually in trouble. This can be very frustrating but there is a point to it. Minimal violence is the name of the game here.

    Even the police are trained to talk first and only resort to violence when absolutely necessary. Drawing a weapon as a cop means filling out paperwork and there will be a review to make sure it was the right move.

    However, for sport shooting you have to join a shooting club and shoot competition. The first year you can only shoot with air guns.

    If you get a gun for sport shooting, you have to have a safe for the weapon, grounded to the wall and the floor. It will be inspected and police can check on you at random times.

    Ammo and weapon should be separated at all times, transport can only be done in cases.

    You are not allowed to load the gun until you are basically ready to shoot. If you have to shoot five times, you are not allowed to load six shots. You can have a maximum of 5 guns. Assault rifles are not legal I think. There are no competitions with them, so you have no reason to buy them.

    The rules are strict. We only had one big “recent” shooting and I think it is at least 10 years ago. I like it.

    Of course criminals stil have guns, but for a random guy who lost his job and want to take revenge it is neigh impossible to just buy an AK47 and shoot all his colleagues. Quite a safe feeling actually.

  • Violence is justified when you have no other means left to defend yourself or someone else otherwise.

    At which point I would like to add that people will sometimes not be able to see the means they have left because they are put in a stressful situation in a second. I feel like you can’t really blame them for that.

    Violence as a response should always be in proportion. That should avoid escalation. In an ideal world.

    Unfortunately some people won’t stop. Those people need to be put into prison where they cannot hurt anyone anymore.

  • I was installing Ubuntu for the first time on my laptop. My laptop had two hardisks, an SSD with Windows and a drive that I could switch out for a CD-rom drive by hand.

    I decided to install Linux on the second drive. So I install, reboot, and Grub loads up…and tells me it cannot find the drive.

    I eventually find the command fwsetup, which lets me boot into the BIOS again. Of course I don’t know what is going on, zo I just reboot and now it loads my Windows installation on the SSD.

    So at least that is intact. I reboot again, and I’m stuck in the Grub bootloader again. The second drive just would not load properly to boot from it. Very annoying. I tried everything I could think of, everything I found on the Internet, it just would not boot the Linux drive.

    In the end I just split my SSD and installed Linux next to Windows. I did split the second disk too, so my home directory is on the second disk and now everything works.

    However, it’s a Toshiba laptop that gave me lots of trouble before with installing Windows before. I have decided that this is how it will run and I’m not messing with it again. The panic when I feel I broke it again is just not worth it.

  • I suspect most vendors just dgaf about being linux certified. They just build their hardware to work with Windows since that is what most people will use. If the hardware happens to work with Linux too, great. But it’s much more important to make sure it works with a system that over 90% of your users use.

    If you build laptops that you deliver with a Linux system on it, then yes, you will make sure it is Linux certified and it works properly.

    It’s not difficult to imagine that for most laptops that are made, Linux wasn’t even considered for a second.

  • It’s make or break time. Either she gets into a program to quit and actually quits, or you leave. Even if you love that person.

    My experience is that you will be tempted to help them, but by helping you keep enabling their addiction. Not only that, but costs you a lot of energy to do this too. It’s not a balanced relation and the abuse will not stop, it will only get worse. It will cost you a lot, and it’s much better to take your loss now and leave.

    So protect yourself, stand your ground. She either quits completely with your support or she loses you.

    Good luck. I have seen some of what an alcohol addiction can do, and I absolutely do not wish it to happen on anyone else, but in particular the victims of the alcoholic.

  • I always feel like whenever somebody is making the specific point that they are so much smarter compared to somebody else they are just boasting their own trumpet.

    Maybe you are smarter, Maybe you are not. Who cares? Are you developed on an emotional level to a point where you can deal with both so called smart and so called dumb people?

    If you stop thinking about how smart people around you are and start working with them you’ll learn to get around through life.

    If you like the girl, go for it. If you think she is not smart enough, let her go. But always respect people, because that is what they will remember about you.

    And I personally learned that everyone you meet has the potential to surprise you because they think just a little different. Enjoy the variety, enjoy the challenge of communicating what you mean on different levels.

  • It’s useless and I don’t want to use it and never will use it.

    I have been looking for ways to turn the channels tab invisible or at least shift it all the way to the right so I have my calls and messages next to each other again.

    If they continue the shittification of Whatsapp I may just leave. Especially if Whatsapp is forced to also communicate with other messengers like Signal or Telegram. That would seal the deal for me.

    The only reason I even am using a Facebook product is that too much family and friends are using it. As soon as I can get out, I will.