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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Greeks living in current western Turkey were called Ionians.


    They were mostly athenean settlers, which is why when Persia conquered them, they asked Athens for help. Athens helped them but the ionian revolt failed and Persia was super pissed. The persian emperor had his servant reminding him daily to “remember the athenians”.

    This is the main reason behind the persian invasion of mainland Greece. The persians burnt Athens to the ground, which eventually led to Alexander the OK burning Persepolis(Persian Empire’s Capital) to the ground(a couple centuries later).

    Since turks came from the East, Ionians were kinda the first greeks they met, so they decided that all greeks are Ionians(Yunans). Or other non greeks in the East were already calling greeks “yunans” and turks just adopted that terminology too. Especially since that term had been mostly depreciated by the time the turks arrived to the neighbourhood.

  • I think it is gibberish.

    The second word is almost something. It starts with “EYE”. “EY” means “good” and it is a common greek prefix. Words like euphoria, eugenics, eukaryotes, eucalyptus, etc use this prefix. Fun fact, while Europe is also a greek word that starts with EY(in greek “y” and “u” are the same), it comes from a different world(“ευρυς” which means “wide” and “οπς” which means “face”, because europe is wide).

    Anyway, after the EYE, it loses it. But the end of the word, looks like “ΕΙΟΝ” which is also a common greek suffix(kinda archaic). Except the last letter is an “Λ”(L) and not an “Ν” but we can give it the benefit of the doubt.

    If you wanted to write “BREWERY” in greek, it would be “ΖΥΘΟΠΟΙΕΙΟN”. It also ends with “ΕΙΟΝ”, so the ai got 1/3 of the word right.

  • Cleopatra wasnt an egyptian, she was a macedonian greek. Alexander the Great conquered the “entire” world, then died and his general Ptolemy got the kingdom of Egypt. Egypt was ruled by the Ptolemy dynasty and was infamously isolated and incestuous. Their court was mostly greeks or hellenized(greekified) egyptians/jews. In fact, Cleopatra was the first(and last) Ptolemy ruler to even bother to learn egyptian, in 200 years of their rule.

    Also egyptians arent black, even today they have all kinds of skin colours. Primarily they fucked other mediterranean people, greeks, carthaginians, romans, phoenicians, hittites. Most black people live(lived) below the Sahara desert, so while there was some trade traffic towards/from that direction, it was pretty limited in comparison. You did have things like the kingdom of Kush but for the most part Egypt had more to do with mediterranean(and middle east) states than with subsaharan ones(Sudan/Ethiopia).

    So i dont think egyptians are black for the most part and i think most racists would agree.

  • NIB@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlQuack makes a Swift escape
    5 months ago

    This isnt a good argument. For Fox News carbon emissions are irrelevant or good or whatever. But since Taylor Swift is saying she cares about the environment and according to her carbon emissions are bad for the environment, it is hypocritical to use a private jet.

    The problem Fox News have with Taylor Swift isnt her carbon emissions, it is her hypocrisy.

  • NIB@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThey're basically the same right?
    8 months ago

    Latin and Greek are nowhere even similar to each other. You might as well say that Latin and German are the same language. Greek and Latin are 2 different linguistic branches of indoeuropean languages. Latin is the precursor of romance languages like Italian, French and Spanish. Ancient Greek is the precursor of Greek. Other major European language branches are the Germanic(German, English, Swedish, etc) and slavic(Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, etc).

    Cool single indoeuropean individual language branches also include Armenian, Celtic and Albanian.

    Finnish and Hungarian arent indoeuropean languages.

  • This isnt a thing because of religion and capitalism. Religion isnt really relevant for most people nowadays. And since capitalism is using more automation and creates increased inequality, humans are transforming from an asset(potential unit of production) to a liability(potential for rioting).

    I think we will see a sharp increase to the normalization of ending someone’s life in the next few years/decades. And i am ok with that but it is important to realize that one of the main factors behind this change will be that we are a liability for an endgame capitalism, heavily automated world.