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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Yeah, whooshed for sure.

    Frankly, I have no idea what the majority of modern American Evangelical style christians are going to do when and if they end up in front of their deity, because everything I’ve read and studied is pretty contrary to most of the modern Christian Political talking points. Jesus was very against the types of people christians today have become, Jesus certainly wouldn’t have advocated for taking over Rome to become the new oppressors. These same folks believe the book of revelations is going to happen but they can’t fathom being a part of the body of the great whore of babylon.

  • I assume you were trying to reply to me.

    In some parts of christian purity culture, specifically for mormons allegedly, they think it’s a big no no to have sex before marriage. They’ve come up with loopholes to avoid actually having sex but come as close to it as possible. Soaking is when you penetrate someone and just let it sit there with no movement. Allegedly on the BYU college campus, it is popular to go “soaking” while a friend of yours jumps on the bed nearby you to create the sensation of motion, this act is called “jump humping”.

  • And it will only get worse…

    Amazon entered the field by buying One Medical and advertising remote visits included at no extra cost for 9$ a month. I just got the bill for my first remote visit, 305$ to establish care. I figured okay, I just did the wrong kind of remote visit, so I tried to get help with a sinus infection I haven’t been able to shake, they straight up won’t do the included visit, they want me to do another multiple hundred dollar video call again. When you sign up they say video visits are free with no asterisk or limits given.

    I make too little money to qualify for assistance, so I have basically been told by my country that I am an acceptable loss in the name of profits.

    I’m scared, any doctor here can just refuse to treat me because they don’t think I’ll pay, or even better, in my home state they can deny me healthcare just because I’m on HRT.

    We just got some bad news about my partners health, and potentially mine, so it’s not a “maybe this won’t impact me” kind of thing. I need medical help and treatment now, not in thirty years when we decide the Amazon death panels were a terrible exploitative idea…

  • NoStressyJessie@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    8 months ago

    The only reason I miss the midwest.

    I wake up some mornings craving a slice of this pizza, but god help you if you go for lunch when they are running some god awful pizza and don’t label it.

    Sure, you thought it looked like sausage, but instead you get bacon cheeseburger on a ketchup mustard sauce with pickles hidden under a pound of cheese, hope you don’t have sensory issues!

  • NoStressyJessie@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    8 months ago

    You can buy the whole pizza in 12 slices for $17 USD, but the slices are smaller, the mega slice in question is legitimately almost a quarter of the pizza, and is priced as an impulse item. I had no problem going by Casey’s on my way into work, buying this plus an extra slice for like 9 dollars and basically eating a half a pizza and getting enough soda for half the day. It isn’t a bad deal actually, and I had QUITE the appetite.

  • I grew up on RuneScape and BBC programming, so I’ve been exposed to both formats for a long time (really fucked me up in spelling). I couldn’t say why August 9th sounds more natural, but it’s probably because most irl folks around me use it. The 9th of August didn’t sound bad, just more artificial, and it’s probably because my exposure to that spoken out was mostly media and pop culture.

  • The end user experience for your website would be terrible and inconsistent, phones don’t have the kind of uptime and availability that you would need, and keeping them plugged in 24/7 in a closet doing computational tasks is a good way to end up with battery bulge and one spicy mini pillow.

    There are too many nefarious purposes that could benefit from being able to serve public web services from your smartphone and no consumer benefits that average people would care about.

    Fortunately it doesn’t matter what I want to allow and is up to the cellular service providers which have all kinds of stipulations about what constitutes as service abuse and using an inordinate amount of bandwidth is usually one of them.

    So for security safety and service stability reasons, yeah, there is no legitimate reason why it SHOULD be allowed. Just spend the $5 monthly on the hardware and bandwidth instead of potentially making your neighbors cell data worse or setting your house on fire/ blowing up your closet just so you can have an unconventional web server.

  • NoStressyJessie@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mldata secured
    11 months ago

    I keep a place for everything, and everything in its place. My download folder is cleaned regularly, usually right when I download the file I move it to it’s appropriate place. Sometimes it still fills up with old installers or what have you, if it is a hard to get installer like for old devices, old games, or niche hardware I store it in a safe place on my encrypted cloud, otherwise if it is new software or frequently updated I just delete it after I’m done.