Have you ever been pulled over? How fast are these cops running to your car window?
Have you ever been pulled over? How fast are these cops running to your car window?
Sorry how would net neutrality do anything but make them reword the policy??
Its looking more like y’all’s personality is based on the fact other people have iPhones.
Right, this is named after George H Bush.
To that point SS is fully funded till about 2035 and then can pay out approx 75% of benefits after that. Removing that $160K cap would pretty much solve things.
“I’ll just buy some extra so I have lunch for tomorrow” - me blatantly lying to myself
Oh that’s a very important note. Updated.
Sorry wasn’t trying to drag you personally. Just see so many memes with some bait head line and then the bottom half is like “everyone loved that” or whatever.
College is very expensive in the US, with the average “in-state” school costing $26K/yr for someone who lives on campus and $56K/yr for a private institution. Since a majority of undergraduates are teenagers with virtually no savings, they take on loans to pay for college. Also unlike traditional loans where you can declare bankruptcy, these loans are very difficult to get forgiven.
There obviously a lot more to it, but that’s the gist in three sentences.
Hear me out, what if we just didn’t repost the 3rd party click bait spam at the bottom of news and other websites as memes?
Google seems front and center too after the recent “privacy” updates to chrome (the web browser with 2/3 the global market share).
‘ate milk, Luv me Lucozade. Simple as
Fun fact, chocolate milk is actually a good post work recovery drink. (If you’re lactose tolerant)
Piles of cigarette butts? What 1980s city do you live?
I’ve since quit, but me and my friends would dispose of our butts properly. The problem is like a single asshole can toss 20+ butts in a day. So it’s really obvious when people are shitheads, but you’ll basically never notice people are functioning members of society.
Am I misreading this or are you doubling down on not getting it’s satire?
Some places do pool a percentage of tips and pay them out to the kitchen and/or bar. Usually kitchen is paid more than waitstaff, and waitstaff is also likely to be cut if it’s slow, so may get less hours. Some states allow employers to pay tip based workers below minimum wage.
Again I’m not saying supply isn’t an issue, and zoning is def a major problem in many states. But if the issue was only supply, rent would be growing more or less in line with the population not at the astronomical rate that it is.
I get that argument and I think there’s some merit to it since like you said this whole thing is muddled. But the counter point is often those vacated units are in another town or city. So in the way overly simplified scenario, if 36 “programmers” move to the city, the vacated units through out the country don’t help the “bus drivers” who are tied to the area.
Again we largely agree, I just wanted to illustrate even the simple assumptions like building more is good isn’t always that straight forward in this fucked up system.
Videos, “live” pics, and like a decade of text messages (w/ attachment)