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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • Here’s an experiment for you:

    Get as many different kinds of curry-powder as you can find,

    & then simply try whichever of those smell good for you.

    You choose the ingredients, otherwise.

    It may well be that cumin’s bad for your Ayurvedic type, your specific metabolism.

    Whatever metabolism I’m in now, I hate seafood, yet I have kombu, and can’t stand Japanese Soy Sauce ( too seafood-like ),

    yet I loved Japanese Soy Sauce on lots of stuff, until a couple of years ago.

    1 time my metabolism changes such that orange-juice went from being wonderful to being aweful, in about 2 days.

    Read Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, & do the experiment of trying alternate-pairs of dishes, where 1 of each pair is

    • ingredients that are pacifying for your metabolism-type

    & the other of the pair is

    • ingredients that are aggravating for your metabolism-type

    The ingredients-lists in that book are the ONLY all-correct lists I’ve ever encountered.

    ( all those who claim that the existence of charlatains in Ayurveda “proves” that Ayurveda, itself, is bogus, …

    … well, notice that they SIMULTANEOUSLY say that the existence of mega-Ivermectin-for-Covid charlatain M.D.'s do not falsify the validity of Western Medicine.

    The “logic” that “the existence of some charlatains” somehow falsifies a system they don’t honestly represent, is, itself, false, in BOTH cases, equally.

    WHEN one sticks to the objectively-validatable ingredients-lists in Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, THEN one gets consistently correct results.

    Evidence-based knowing.

    To understand the different metabolisms better, add & read Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga For Your TYPE” book.

    Vasant Lad seems trustworthy, too,

    and “PaleoVedic Diet” is generally right, but that damn Ajwain, I won’t ever put more than 1 single seed in any person’s food, because the terpenes in 'em are too strong.

    For terpenes, instead of Ajwain, now I use a couple of pine-needles per day.

    A bit odd, but they do seem to help my health.

    & if terpenes, in the right dosage, are good for one’s health, then this should be good.

    Some American Indians used to prevent scurvy with eating 'em or brewing 'em as a drink, apparently. )

    PS: Indian cooking is insanely diverse.

    You could probably cook a different recipe every day, for the next 500 years, without repeating one of 'em.

    Look at the cookbooks…

    PPS: the best cookbooks in the world are usually the America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks, but they won’t do the experiment for Ayurvedically-appropriate-ingredients-for-a-specific-person’s-metabolism, and they don’t have an Indian cookbook, that I know-of.

    Anyways, you do the experiments, & you discover what you discover!

    _ /\ _


    • they said that it shows the emission of electromagnetic energy has the same cause, but didn’t explain what that cause is…

    • they said that magnetars don’t emit energy all the time, so we had to catch them when they did emit: that is false: we have to catch them when they’re emitting at us, which is a very-different frame-of-reference.

    Also, if the things are neutron-stars, then how the hell can they even have any electromagnetic field?

    Neutrons are neutral.

    It must be a crust of non-neutron protons & electrons, or the plasma swirling in, or something, that’s producing the electromagnetic field…

    No need to bother commenting on anything I say:

    just random thoughs flitting through a deteriorating old brain…

  • Years ago I read of a couple of game theorists who were attending a conference in … perhaps Egypt … and they decided to wait until at the destination ( taxi ) before declaring that they would only pay part of the fare, & the driver would just have to accept it…

    What the driver did was drive them back to their origin, at his expense, & told them to get out.

    Game theory didn’t allow that.

    Therefore they invented Drama Theory, which takes into account emotion/politics, because the evidence that human behaviour contradicts Game Theory had finally got noticed by them.

    No idea who they were, nor have I noticed anything obvious published as Drama Theory, since.

    It may have been in Scientific American, or some similar thing, it was years ago, possibly last century.

  • it is called “establishing ownership”.

    Once their identity is consolidated that way,

    then they can enforce their certain-in-their-own-unconscious ownership of Asia, through any violence necessary.

    You can see equivalent self-dishonesty in the West, & you can see it in Modi’s delusion that Russia is going to help them against China, even through Russia is financially now a vassal-state of China…

    Once the economy guts the Democrats in the US, losing them the 2024 election, & Trump guts NATO, backs Russia & Saudi Arabia,

    what is going to protect Asia from China’s smashing it like they did Tibet?

    7 years from Trump’s coronation ( in 2025 ) is all Asia has left, it seems.

    Establishing ownership is fundamental to bullying, btw: rodents do it, sneaking into places at night, so that they feel righteous when fighting for “their” new territory during the day…

    I hadn’t understood that bullying had both a yin/molesting/violating phase & a yang/overt-bullying phase until rodents taught me how it’s done…

    The governments who push privacy-violating laws & systems, then later stomp civil-rights, they are demonstrating exactly the same Pattern.

    The religions who push for “some” control of everybody’s life, relentlessly pushing for “a little more” authority, then once a tipping-point is crossed, suddenly they can switch from yin-bullying to yang-bullying … same thing.

    It’s a really common pattern throughout human history, lately…

  • There is only 1 climate-model, that I know-of, which isn’t contradicted by the still-accelerating planetary heating, and it predicts planetary heating of over 5C if one doesn’t include the CO2 equivalent of the methane we’ve added to the atmosphere, & it predicts about 9C planetary heating if we keep the CO2 & methane the same.

    It’s a powerlaw. Same as what actually rules lightning, flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, quakes, climate punctuations, etc.

    Notice that the world “consensus” is centered on 1.5C and 2C.

    The accelerating release of methane from melting permafrost … probably means it isn’t possible for the amount of methane in the atmosphere to be reduced … any more.

    ( 1ppm methane in the atmosphere has a 20-year effect about 82.5x as intense as 1ppm CO2.

    I’ve no idea how long it actually lives in the atmosphere, though, so it may be much worse )

    I don’t know that Greece will be inhabitable by the end of this century.

    I honestly don’t know if anything in the tropics, or even near, will remain inhabitable.

    It might be that only Siberia will remain inhabitable, and Antarctica.

    I don’t think it’ll get that bad, but … dear God is humankind ignoring reality as devoutly as it can.

  • Anybody who ignores the Financial Class, and how civilization’s laws are formed in concordance with money-lobby/authority, isn’t competent to be discussing what system we are living-in.

    Capitalism without highjacking-of-the-system-of-laws is capitalism.

    Once highjacking-of-the-system-of-laws is included, it changes to moneyarchy.

    As it exists, it is a mixture of oligarchy & corporate-moneyarchy, but it definitely isn’t “just” an economic system, it is a world-governing regime.


    Perhaps you didn’t know that perjury is S.O.P. for tobacco companies, but, of course, prison-time for contempt-of-court can’t happen on a corporation, only on us…

    Go look up The Panama Papers, & see if moneyarchy isn’t the correct term for what the evidence shows to be actuality…


    Moneyarchy is the correct & proper term.

    As for socialism, whose concept of socialism are you claiming competes against moneyarchy?

    Sweden’s seems insane: EVERYbody pays huge taxes AND gets welfare…

    Don’t they understand that the more “recycling” of money per unit of result, the more lossy their economy becomes, the higher the “friction” or “viscosity” ( pick your metaphor ), and the smaller the percentage of their effort that actually produces results??

    Which Socialism?

    • codependency
    • interdependency
    • ideology-centered
    • practicality-centered
    • things I haven’t thought-of go here…

    I’ve never seen a governmental version of Socialism that wasn’t the codependency-version or the ideology-religion one.

    Meritocracy & Socialism … what is in the intersection between those, on the Venn diagram? Nothing?

    “you can’t have any meritocracy with socialism” seems to be the belief, among many, but Sweden’s education system seems to get meritocracy right ( unless I’m remembering another Scandi country’s version ), where they simply don’t permit any bypassing of the national meritocratic education system…

    Because of political-motivation, objectivity isn’t permitted in this world, and neither is practicality, from what I’ve seen…

    And that kind of meta-rule wrecks everything else.

    Hell, even gaslighting about “Representative” Republic being “democracy” is so normal I keep forgetting to put that back in viewable place…

    As some have noted, the ones who rule make certain that people have things other than the actual issues in-view…

    and that is 1 of the characteristics of the -archy regimes, where the population is just herd-animals, consumed by the powers that really run the world ( for-profit corporations parasitically feed-on the human-herd, manipulating humanity’s awareness to remain fed-upon, is one accurate metaphor )

    The whole narcissism/machiavellianism of orienting government to the most-successful narcissist-machiavellian, and through “elections” making certain that competency & responsibility are punished, in the “game”, by giving authority to the narcissist-machiavellian ones, preferentially…

    Reward-systems are feedback loops and have consequences…

    Try convincing … anybody … that Boris Johnson is a thorougly-responsible person…

    Highjacking of authority from responsibility and accountability … is sooo complete, now…

    How come people can’t see that?

    Anyways, I meant not national-level competing ( in a different country ), I meant:

    IF you find moneyarchy in the US to be bad, then why don’t you create an alternative-to-moneyarchy economy within the US??

    You want socialism, or barbarism, or maybe you equate the 2 ( from your phrasing I can’t know which ), so, why don’t you form socialism-competing-against-moneyarchy in the US?

    Why don’t you & all the believers-in-socialism create socialism in the US?

    Is there some law that prevents socialist businesses from existing??

    Is there some law that prevents socialist groups of businesses from existing??

    The fact that there simply doesn’t seem to be ANY such competing-economy IS EVIDENCE that either it isn’t permitted by government, or that it isn’t permitted by the moneyarchy regime, or that the socialists, themselves, aren’t competent to do it, or all 3 of them, simultaneously.

    DECADES everybody has had to be producing alternative-economies within the US, and … where are they?

    I just realized that I’m including perspective that is required, and not common.

    “Slicing Pie Handbook” is a book on startup equity-slicing.

    Without understanding how equity needs to be properly distributed, and … ah, yes, “Founder’s Dilemmas” is also required … when people who aren’t responsible gain authority, you CANNOT make the business/system/regime work… the ones who gained authority without responsibility effectively highjack the enterprise, holding it hostage to their whims/demand/extortion, and … if the contract that is in-place permits them that authority, the enterprise may need to die…

    Remap that to country, and corporations, instead of an individual company with persons, and the same highjacking happens, especially when financially-emplaced political-parties ( and, through them, their financial backers ) are the highjackers.

    Responsibilityarchy is the real requirement, but it’ll never be tolerated by any incumbent political power, left or right.

    Not responsible AND accountable? break them from authority, then.

    Have you got any idea how long that kind of idealism would be allowed to live?

    1 week, maybe?

    Socialists have the same ability to create businesses as anybody else, so why haven’t they created socialist businesses, & multiplied the things until 20% of the businesses in the US are socialist operations??

    even 5%??

    There is something fundamentally wrong with what the evidence is showing, and its showing that that apparently can’t evolve…

  • I’ve tried it, for several languages…

    It seems good, to me, but I’ve learned to invest in the BEST 2-ish recent books on any language I’m trying to learn:

    the difference between average vs GOOD instruction is cliff-like, and I need to understand why things work the way they do.

    ( with 2 different-author books, best I can get, then if 1 author is explaining something in a way I can’t get, then I’ve got a good alternative.

    Better, though, is that if I make myself work through both, then it’s much more likely to stick, see? : )

    I consider Exercism to be a good part of a healthy ( programming-learning ) breakfast!

    : )

    CombinedArms: use EVERY dimension of leverage you can, simultaneously, and more-certainly win, quicker!

    I’m saying this, and I also saying I’ve had to report bugs in their lessons, 1 or 2 times.

    I need Exercism.

  • Learned-helplessness produces both Nihilism & Sadism.

    The Russian soldiers’ habit of making torture-chambers everywhere proves this.

    Russian culture’s “fate regime” concept of relationship also proves this ( it proves the learned-helplessness aspect of it ).

    ( apparently that article explaining how in Russia, people entirely accept that fate, and nothing else, decides who marries who, is now … gone??

    Neither DuckDuckGO nor google have it… )

    Deterrent requires that both parties have aversion to destruction.

    However, when 1 party has become nihilist, then they can assault the other as a means of baiting the other into sadistic-aggression, in order that all the neighbours commit to annihilating the one who was successfully baited into demonstrating genocidal sadism.

    Israel won’t exist, in 10 years, no matter what, now.

    NOTHING can make the Arab world accommodate its life, now.


    The Christian Bible’s Matthew 24 had a prophecy that is about to become historical-fact, in the coming decade.

    Here’s a decent version of it:


    That bit around verses 15-20 is the pertinent area.

    Simply wait 1 decade, and see: if Israel still exists, as a country, in 2033, I’ll eat a hat.

    And it was entirely preventable, had there been enough committment to having neutral authorities in West Bank ( UN ), and NO political-dishonesty OR nationalist bullying permitted from either side…

    Needless, politically-enforced & needless…

    : \

  • I’ve become of 2 minds about leather footwear & gloves:

    The primary alternative to leather is plastic, which, when it breaks-down, sabotages the food-web, right?

    Leather doesn’t do that.

    I honestly don’t know what The Right Answer™ is, on that one, anymore.

    I’m usually vegan, btw, not for ideological/religious reasons, but simply because doing otherwise blocks my ability to reach the meditations I need.

    I do find butchering animal lives for a mere few-meals unethical, but refugee Buddhist monk Kelsang Gyatso pointed-out in one of his books, IF a person has anemia, THEN the right antidote is eating red meat.

    He’s ordained, a Geshe, and he is recommending that right in his dharma.

    Years-enduring clothing is a much less desolating consumption than needless meat-eating.

    Exactly as that brilliant psychological truth in the Christian bible shows, naive truth, aka symbolic “truth”, is syrupy-sweet in one’s face/mouth, whereas digested & real, experience-induced-understanding Truth, is bitter.

    See for yourself:

    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 10%3A8-10&version=CJB

  • There is an error that many in the dispute are making…

    Imagine that BORG-AI is an ai that was trained ONLY on GPL2 program-code…

    Imagine that you use it to fill-in some functions in your codebase…

    What sort of copyright-status should be on those??

    I say they should be GPL2, and they should be considered derivative of the ENTIRE training-data-set.

    That doesn’t mean I think that the BORG-AI should be a copyright holder, though!

    I’m saying that there should be a NEW category, between uncopyrighted & copyrighted, and that the training-sets need to be segregated by license, so that derivatives CAN know what their legal licensing-status is.

    GPL2, GPL3, BSD, LGPL2, whatever… it needs to be consistent within the training-data-set, so that the derivative of THAT module/expert can be having the same license, see?