• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The article is only going by technicalities in the law, we need to close that loophole and go with the spirit of the law. We need to protect the human artist’s imagination and creations.

    I’m not really sure what this is about.

    Is this:

    but what you want will hurt all artists and give corporations the unprecedented legal tools to take down anything they don’t feel like having around.

    We can’t play by the existing rules, why would we want to? We need to make new rules. The actors union knew where this was going and created new rules for their actors and the visual arts need to do the same.

  • I disagree with that article 100%. They’re missing the spirit of copyright law which is to protect artists that create original work. They already try to protect musicians and do this in music with sampling. But instead of one artist stealing parts of your song or the spirit of the song, they’re coming after visual art from every angle because it’s a computer and like 10,000 people doing that. We should be able to copyright our work and have to agree for it to be used, the end. It’s ridiculous and greedy of these huge companies to do anything else.

    Also, how fucked up is it that they liken it to the little guy competing with big companies, that’s not a thing. If they used public domain art, I don’t think any of this would be an issue. Do we own our own voice, imagination, likeness? I say yeah, we do. The corporations shouldn’t have the rights to those.

  • It’s not a matter of better, it’s a matter of quicker, easier and probably free. You have it backwards, if you get good AI art, then you have good/great artists that they’re pulling from. Think of all of those animations that already treat their animators poorly, they’re going to replace them in a heart beat. Same with video games. I don’t think these artists ever felt special, lol.

  • It didn’t feel like they were stable and would take care of us though, the nuclear drills sure didn’t help. Also, I know a lot of army vets that weren’t drafted but went to school with the army bill. There are people out there that still know that war sucks. Also, the kids now have school shooting drills, they kind of live with the potential of war and some have seen it. There does seem to be an incredible breakdown with the money in politics, no shame and we’re extremely close to having a dictator after they attempted a coup, I’ll give you that.