Probably because GOG/CDPR don’t actually give a fuck about Linux. They made that perfectly clear with the whole “Witcher 3 coming to Linux” fiasco. Maybe I am just bitter, but I feel like even the DRM-free aspect of their business model isn’t through any values they hold. It is just a business decision to corner a niche market.
I run KDE Plasma and very rarely have issues with wayland either. Maybe I am imagining it but it feels smoother than X11. I love that in wayland I can use adaptive sync with multiple monitors connected. X11 can’t do that. My main issue with it is that anything involving screenshare doesn’t work properly. So steamplay (as host, client is fine), slack screenshare (again, as the sharer) don’t work. I don’t understand all the people having issues, maybe it’s a hardware/driver thing? On my AMD GPU it is practically flawless.