ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • One time I got back from annual leave only to find out that my job had been done away with by the board over a year beforehand and my manager had spent the last year submitting fake timesheets claiming I was working a different position, so I could do the parts of her job that the assistant manager wasn’t already doing. The company had assumed I knew about it as they couldn’t get in contact with me when they discovered it and came down on the manager (my job was only the beginning of her fraud), but I was in the middle of nowhere and had no signal, so the first I heard about it was when I walked into the office and one of my coworkers went “what are you doing here?”.

  • Hexbear doesn’t have downvotes, so there’s no point complaining to me about it, but you’re not being downvoted for promoting solar and wind, you’re being downvoted for fear mongering over nuclear. We all want more solar and wind, and hydroelectric and all the other renewable energy sources, but we don’t have the technology to run the world on them yet. Until we do, we have to use nonrenewables, and nuclear is by far the least damaging of the nonrenewables we have access to. The naturally occuring radioactive isotopes in coal result in coal plants release more radiation into the atmosphere than nuclear plants, so screeching about how nuclear energy is going to give you radiation poisoning and we should just use renewables shows you to be deeply ignorant about both.

  • You’re not going to get radiation poisoning from a nuclear plant, unless you’re planning to personally planning to break in and turn off all the safeties to cause another Chernobyl (also there are more safeties now, since, y’know…). You don’t have concerns about nuclear, you have baseless fears. With current battery technology we can’t fulfill energy demands just off solar and wind, so it’s coal or nuclear. As much as it does have legitimate downsides, you are at about as much risk from radiation as you are from a windmill falling on you.

  • Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you honestly do believe they’re downplaying the Holocaust - look into the Warsaw Uprising. From the small militia that initiated the attacks to the mass killing of civilians in response, it’s exactly analogous to the current situation in Israel.

    We are absolutely aware of the severity of the holocaust and do not compare contemporary events to it lightly.

  • the right-extremist government, the child murdering military and the illegal settlers of Israel,

    …who the fuck else do you think there is in Israel? Government, military, civilians, what?

    Secondly, criticising Hamas is pretty problematic: they have lived their entire lives as second class citizens under a white European occupation, often literally under siege from an unprofessional military, losing their parents, siblings, and children to random attacks by settlers, snipers, bulldozers etc and being forced out of their homes into more and more crowded refugee camps. If you’d condemn people for fighting back under those circumstances, what would you say about resistance forces in WWII, Irish forces fighting the British, or Haitians throwing off the chains of their enslavers? Israel has not given them a choice about harming civilians - civilians are literally its first line of defence, spread out across Palestinian land to maintain their hold, moved into houses as soon as they are taken so any attempt to regain land necessarily involves them. You can be critical in your support, but it is a moral prerogative to condone and support Hamas in their fight against European colonialism and white supremacism.

  • I… no, honey, I wasn’t actually talking about men there, I was talking about how you’re deflecting criticism of Israel by equating it to criticism of individual israeli’s, by connecting your comment to the MRA movement’s constant cries of “not all men” when feminists say things like “1 in 4 women have been sexually assualted”. It’s not an incorrect statement in itself, but it isn’t any more relevent or helpful than me saying I wasn’t involved in the 1943 Bengal Famine, so it’s not fair to say Britain killed millions of Indians.

  • No, the reason they’re going to hit a dead end is because you tried to ressurect discussions that finished literally years ago - discussions started by now inactive accounts, replied to by people whose answer won’t have changed. You posted 4 TIMES asking people whose discussions had established there was no 2fa hardware support if there was 2fa hardware support - they had already said no, and you came in between 1 and 6 years later to ask again.

    Instead of starting a new, visible discussion on the steam community, where topics are boosted by recent interactions, and it will be seen by the most relevent people, not just the randomers coming through google looking for the same answer as your, but for some reason you chose to ask people who have forgotten they ever needed help with this issue if they ever found an answer.

    Lastly, I want to point out how fucking stupid and infantile it is that you’re not only asking the question again, but asking in multiple year old discussions: Steam has repeatedly said that Steamguard is their 2fa, and that’s it. Your “bu- bu- bu- i’m important i need hardware to stop evil hackers from targetting my vibeo gane” is absolutely irrelevent to them, a position they have not been secretive about.