RT Redréovič

𐑮𐑧𐑝𐑩𐑤𐑪𐑔𐑩 𐑧𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑕 𐑐𐑨𐑔𐑩 𐑒𐑨𐑢 𐑝𐑦𐑝𐑩.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • I can attest that when it comes to complete migration, bridging is not a solution or at least not a good one. The only way is full adoption.

    In my experience, bridging chats moves only a minute fraction of the userbase in the end. The network pull that a userbase migration would make w/o a bridge is highly reduced w/ a bridge and leads to inconvenience for all.

    Considering 95% of communication has been text based in my experience, those who were convinced to move to, say, Matrix, moved to matrix but were still able to talk with users who weren’t that convinced to move and stayed on Discord. This formed the middle ground to satisfy both sides but this barely did anything in terms of creating a secure line of communication and virtually stopped the transition and also reversed it because of the few inconveniences caused, primarily the inability to join VC sessions across and making DMs across. And of course as you said, sharing links is too much hassle compared to just a click. (Although this is not the case w/ Matrix as its main clients have in-house VC functionality.)

    And yes, I agree that it is certainly difficult to move users as some platforms become too tied up with our lives that if you try to leave any of these sites anyway, you get the risk of isolation. I managed to balance it out to an extent so I have not faced such a situation but I certainly got more time to focus on work and other stuff.

    At the end of the day it’s still a long road till a more libre internet will be mainstream. At least by making small contributions we can still keep the idea alive.

  • I can understand that «super expensive» will have a different meaning for different regions but for me it is the case.

    I am using the Thunder Client on Android with some optimizations. But its resource usage is not comparable to Discord at all.

    Regardless, Libre platforms like Lemmy and Matrix allow me to use different clients if one is too heavy for me. This is not the case with Discord.

  • This is not at all stretching it. Discord’s client is very poorly optimized and bloated and it is known since a long time. I could never run it on my hardware with a comfortable experience. Even some of my friends would ask me to look for and provide them older versions of the app because each update would make it laggier for them to use. I don’t live in a First or Second world country with a good paying job. Most electronics are imported here and cost a lot.

  • Discord should be avoided as a communications platform. I don’t see a single point that makes me want to use it.

    It has no customization or designing flexibility, you are forced to stick to one design unless you pay for a stupeid & an expensive subscription. Otherwise you need to use potentially unsafe third party tools for it and even those go against Discord’s ToS.

    It is a non-private, non-secure and overtly commercialized product that should be put in the bin. But thanks to the virtual monopoly in creating a social platform (also thanks to the tech-illiterate influencers for promoting it) for more than just “Chatting for gamers”, as it was originally intended for. Discord in its current state is nothing more than just a commercial market where you are the commodity. Its not a social platform.

    I don’t want to give out my data and message history for some company to sell to be able to discuss about your project on GitHub, or even be able to communicate with you.

    The client is garbage as well unless you own a super expensive rig.

    I abandoned Discord completely more than half an year ago with the vow of never registering again. I completely shifted my comms to Matrix & Signal. I have not been more at peace since.

    If you manage a public project you wish for people to interact with. I request you to at least keep a mirror/bridge on XMPP, Matrix or even Revolt. Please choose something open source, private and secure for the sake of other people.

  • The main issue here is not that some of the issues that are mentioned there are not genuine. They indeed are genuine and have mostly already been notified to the devs working on the protocols and the compositors. The issue here is how those are presented. By creating this almost cultish “battle between the 2 display servers” thing is not productive and demoralizes developers. Making criticism is one thing and productive but “boycotting” is not. And certainly not in the bad faith way the author of that article has done. I myself have both X and WL setups and I alternate between them frequently. I am not sitting here “boycotting” one display server in a prejudiced manner. This is Linux, not Windows or MacOS. Users are free to continue using Xorg and develop it according to them if they do not like something else. And similarly, they are free to use Wayland.

  • Amazing text! I was just commenting how ridiculous the article is this morning and now you have written a more lenghty criticism.

    As for the Zoom bit. I will add my 2 years experience of using it on Wayland on Artix as well as Void Linux - I never used Gnome and it worked fine on Sway and River on my iGPU. In between a few updates I did face a few crashes of zoom when rendering on my nvidia gpu but it was still fine. I have not used zoom in over an year so I can’t comment on how it is now.

    As for “wayland does not work properly on nvidia.” Solely nvidia is blame. They have been pushing out patches to bring out more support but it’s just nvidia who can fix that in the end. While I would not want to assume what hardware the author uses. Wayland works like butter on my Intel hardware.

    Great alternatives for xclip and many other X-tools are already in the market.

    The VSync issue on wayland is genuine. Disabling it in-game does not affect anything because it is enforced by the compositor. VSync is an integral part of Wayland Compositioning (acc. to the wlroots dev) but a solution to automatically disable it in full screen applications, etc is down the pipeline and work is ongoing. I have not been following it but I think some fixes were already released, I could be wrong.

    As for X11 Atoms: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41005297/x-to-wayland-what-about-atoms Just boils down to the application dev’s willingness to port the app to Wayland. The author of the ‘boycott wayland’ article seems to just want wayland to implement Xorg 1:1 for it to not fail their stupid standard of what-should-be-boycotted. And at that point Wayland is not Wayland but Xorg.

    Most of the arguments presented in the ‘Boycott Wayland’ article are either generic issues being worked upon by the devs or things that don’t have much relevance but put down in a manner as if to almost fear-monger that Wayland is the spawn of the devil and must not be used at all.

  • Judging by post & history. They are just a troll. As for this article. I don’t understand why anyone bothers sharing it. It is one of the most hot garbage ones I have seen. Most of this article gives arguments that are either old, have no relevance here or are just plainly cherrypicked (the jitsi one for example, open the link and see the last comment, that they quoted). Most things are also application side issue with no relevance for wayland devs. “Oh my app does not work in wayland? Must be wayland’s fault!” This is a rubbish logicless argument. If one wants to not use Wayland, they are welcome. But things like “Boycott Wayland” are irritating to those who do want to use Wayland because they know how Xorg is.