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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • PC gaming is not here to stay. One day, someone, will finally do a cloud /saas streaming solution which works, which solves the latency and fidelity issues and which will be accepted and trusted by the masses.

    Hopefully that will be a Valve solution. Not Nvidia, MS, Google or Sony.

    From that moment on the client will not matter anymore and you will just stream it to your device and from there cast it to your big screen.

    Hopefully I’m full of shit and this will never happen. But I’m afraid I’m not.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    Why the downvotes: because you’re clearly the asshole. Or isn’t this /amitheasshole?

    Yes, older people have views from the past. That’s because they are older people. Yes, older people bitch and whine. That’s because friends and spouses are dead by now, they feel alone and forgotten. Yes, older people are not always nice. That’s because things you don’t even think about, like putting on clean socks or taking a shit by yourself have become hard, for some even impossible to do on their own and/or without pain leaving them with a feeling of loss and even regret for living that long.

    On top of that they’re literally waiting to die. And let’s not forget dementia.

    Now, maybe your granny is younger like 60 something, but still…

    Your response to the situation lacks a lot of empathy and respect. Without this person you wouldn’t be sitting there, scrolling through anime titties you clearly like just not always.

    And lastly: you will be her in 40-60 years. (i don’t know how old you are) You will be alone, your body will falter, your (grand) children will be uninterested in you. Etc.

  • Im with the earlier “yeah… No.”


    “If people can take case-dependence for passwords”

    They cant now do they ? If they could passwords would be a-okay and there wouldn’t be any need for stickies on monitors, password managers, biometrics, SSO, MFA and passwordless authentication.

    The dumbest idea in computing is assuming everyone is as smart as you.

    They aren’t. Why isn’t *nix any bigger? Here’s your answer. People are stupid.

    Why did IT only finally took off with windows 3.11? because people could understand that. Barely. Most of us where way to dumb for everything which came before.

    Why does ipv6 acception takes so long? Because people are stupid and don’t get it. Nobody really gets hex. So they just stay with what they can read and more or less get. Even the hardest part of ip4, subnetting, has an easy way out: just add in there and it works. Doesnt work? Keep replacing 255 with zeros and eventually it will. Subnetting on ipv6? No idea. Let’s just disable ipv6 on the internal lan and leave everything on ipv4. Zero migration, zero risk, zero training needed.

    Why do so many companies only go half assed into cloud? Because they don’t get it.

    Powershell? Only half, a third even, of the admins truly get it.

    I could go on.

    Succes is build on simplicity.

  • That’s not what everybody says and the guy you’re replying to most certainly did not say.

    He says it’s not black and white. You’re telling us that’s it’s very black and white. And you’re screaming to the admins to have him, this discussion removed. Only you can be right, is that it? Discussions, other viewpoints can not exist?

    I don’t agree with that. Neither of those takes. It’s just not black and white. The world never was black or white. 0 or 1. Only code is binary in the end. And platforms like this exist to discuss, not to block.

    The nuremberg trials where real. People got punished for their crimes. Sure, not everyone. That’s impossible. Some got away. And yes, some where worth more, to better society, alive then dead.

    Is that a fascist take? I don’t know. To me it’s not. I’m just grateful my grandparents got through the aftermath of ww2. And I do know that was only possible because not everyone in government got executed for being nazi aligned during the war.

    They had knowledge which was worth preserving. Knowledge about science, diplomacy or the ability to govern. Stuff like that was worth a lot: europe and the Pacific where in shambles. Cities destroyed. Industry leveled, infrastructure bombed to oblivion. That preserved knowledge has been used to speed up the rebuilding. Without it millions more would’ve died, suffered in the aftermath.

    By the way, this discussion is only possible because of “nazi” tech. Our whole frikkin’ modern world is build on it. No Werner no rockets. No rockets no sattelites. No sattelites no Internet. Etc. Benz, volkswagen, BMW, Siemens, the list goes on and on. German (and Japanese) tech was and is everywhere.

    Regarding your take on reddit : this place is a bigger echo chamber then I ever experienced over there. Which is a shame. It stops discussions before they begin and lessen the interaction with the platform.

  • My third even, 100% bank owned. Cannot afford to switch again so I think this is it till the end. All my under 30 colleagues also have their own by the way. It’s fucking expensive especially with 3 kids who probably cannot move out the next 10 years.

    I know where you’re coming from, having older kids myself. It’s hard and unfair. But that’s how it always been. The unfair part isn’t new.

    Looking back thinking it was easier in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s is, I’m sorry to say, disillusional. You’re just looking at housing (which was also bullshit in the 80s, and 00s by the way) and forget the rest of the shit of those times. 80s wasn’t fun, my dad lost his job, we only kept our house because my grand parents died and the inheritance filled the financial hole. 00s also wasn’t fun, being a part of the greatest depression since the 30s, I was fortunate to keep my IT job, a lot of mates lost everything. (job, house, marriage, because bad finance kills relations I’ve learned.) My wife did get fired and still is not at the same level as back then. But we get by, thank you for asking.

    Finance is a bitch. Always has been.