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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • You’re not wrong, but my point is that we’re dealing with laws of math here. You can’t just go “Just accept less profit” when the majority don’t make enough profit to survive. That money has to come from somewhere.

    My mom ran a couple restaurants at different times in her life. She’s a high school drop-out who has never had a great job so it isn’t like she’s some high class capitalist. Both restaurants failed within a year or two, and she came out each time quite a bit worse than she went in. The company in charge of the building locked the doors and kept all her stuff in lieu of rent. It’s pretty brutal. She lost all the money she put into it well beyond any money she might have made on the business itself, and she went into debt each time as a result of the failing business as well.

  • I think it depends a lot on the federated service.

    For mastodon, you follow individual users, so if there’s a million users or ten million or a hundred million, their instances will only be contacting other intances they’re federating with so it’s quite scalable.

    For Lemmy, you follow communities, so every server pulls all the posts and comments the common community. This means that for an instance like lemmy.world hosting lots of different big communities, every new server hammers the one central instance.

    A strategy for improving the situation I think would be to spread the load. Instead of everyone piling into megacommunities, if people spread out into smaller more tight knit communities over many different instances. Of course, this isn’t really compatible with the purpose of having communities like that.

    It does seem to suggest that ActivityPub isn’t necessarily the most appropriate protocol for this purpose, even though it’s what was used because it’s the de facto standard on the fediverse.

  • I think the concept of an ideal may be flawed. What is ideal changes based on what the current situation is.

    That goes for the ideal human body as well as the ideal human philosophy. We need to evolve constantly to fit with our current situation.

    People get fat because famines killed people a lot. People have sickle cell anemia because sickle cell traits protect against malaria which killed people a lot. A lot of cancers are caused by mechanisms that protect against things that kill people a lot. Different personality traits that look suboptimal exist because those strategies were successful over time. Yeah these traits look bad when that situation doesn’t exist, but they’re much more likely to help in the aggregate than to hurt particularly with stuff like cancers which tend to kick in after an individual has reproduced so don’t have as much of an evolutionary impact.

    A lot of the same goes for philosophies – people tend to follow what works, and what works at one time doesn’t work all the time – ask gen z as they’re given advice by boomers.

    All this is one good reason to be wary of genetic engineering. We’ll get rid of all the “bad traits” and be wiped out because some of them were there for good reasons we don’t understand.

  • You don’t need a local DNS server to set up https, but you do need a domain name. If it’s something that you wanted to pick up, you can buy them at a number of different places and you’d have to set up a mechanism to make sure the IP address referenced is the correct one. You can either do that by having a static IP address or by setting up some form of dynamic DNS. Then you can use letsencrypt to set up https.

    Okay so here’s I think the core of your question though: the only way that someone outside of your network can access your nextcloud is if you have set up the server to be accessible from the outside world. You would have to go into your router and forward Port 80 to the local IP address of your nextcloud server. If you don’t do that, then it will only be accessible to the people inside of your network. Rotors do something called Network address translation which lets many devices on your local network connect to the internet despite only having one external IP address. If you’re accessing the server using a 192.168 address or a 10.x.x.x address you are already using the internal IP address and not your external Internet IP address so you’re likely safe.

    One neat trick because remembering IP addresses is a pain in the butt is the hosts file. On windows it’s in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and you can set a hostname to immediately resolve to a certain IP address. It’s particularly nice because it’s free, it’s fast, and once you set it you can forget it.

    My websites are on the public internet, but I use the host to file to point them at the internal IP address because that way I can directly connect to my servers even when the internet is down.

  • It would really depend on the diagnosis of a clinician, anything is definitely just conjecture.

    Bipolar is often more like periods of high energy and periods of low energy as I understand it.

    The swings between ideation and demonization is a trait of borderline personality disorder, however, and one that I have experienced first-hand with an ex. The way I’ve had it explained to me is that where sociopathy is an inability to regulate your behavior, BPD is an inability to regulate your emotions.