• 28 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2021


  • Take a distro with a package manager you are familiar with. Debian should do it.

    And try out docker it’s really easy to learn and straight forward.

    Jellyfin has a well documented docker compose.yml which is just a textfile that points out the facts like used versions, environment and volume paths.

    I did a transition from my docker compose tools to a new system in under an hour yesterday. All I had to do was backup the volumes or data paths. Firing up the containers looks like a new install but it’s just downloading the container and everything runs like before without losing any config.

  • Paperless was my docker training program. I did so many mistakes and end up losing my database 3 times. My fourth try, runs smooth and I backup everything regularly. Actually 1.300 documents.

    After indexing everything, I learned loving the archive feature. Docs I scanned, and don’t want to trash in real got a number in paperless and the same number in the paper folder.