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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • ScrivenerX@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.ml"gaming is dead"
    10 months ago

    I didn’t say that at all.

    I think there is a problem with over-tutorializing in AAA games. I don’t think they are going away, or the hobby will collapse. I just think of the opening experience of Elden Ring versus Jedi Survivor. One puts you in the action and has a 30 minute optional tutorial dungeon, the other has tutorials pop up four hours in the game.

    I don’t play for long stretches, maybe two hours at a time. It’s not satisfying for me to play a game three or four times and still be in tutorials. For me AAA games are the absolute worst at this.

  • ScrivenerX@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlDefediverse
    10 months ago

    It’s worse than just that. They argue that acknowledgement of Stalin’s atrocities is Holocaust denial.

    They are so scared and insecure they will lash out against anything that slightly challenges their beliefs. If they post sources it will be misreadings of fringe groups, or conveniently ignoring facts. Like how they believe tiananmen square wasn’t a big deal because the China killed about 300 people a mile away. Or how Cuba is a utopia even though it’s citizens chose to get run over by the coast guard instead of living there.

  • I’m not worried.

    The reason SNW is better than DISCO and ENT is that the characters are real and complete. We know exactly what type of person Ortegas is, and seeing her do stuff is exciting because I’m invested in seeing her grow and change.

    Compare that to Detmer from DISCO, I’m not sure what her job is, didn’t know her name for serval seasons and couldn’t tell you a thing about her personality. I don’t care if Detmer lives, dies or grows. She’s a person who exists in the background.

    The hard work of establishing the characters is done. I will be happy to see them go stuff.

  • It is!

    Most companies make BS solutions for fake problems. Not going to the office exposes a large chunk of fake needs.

    Do families really need two cars? If you aren’t commuting every day, probably not.

    Having more free time means people are more likely to cook and clean for themselves. Can’t make money off of that.

    How many suits do you need to own? None! You only owned them because you are supposed to wear them in the office.

    Dry cleaners? No longer a bill.

    Gas? When you aren’t sitting in your cities parking lot of a freeway isn’t bought as often.

    Speaking of parking lots, you aren’t paying for parking anymore.

    Daycare and dog walkers aren’t needed anymore.

    Going up work is expensive and companies want us addicted to these fake expenses.

  • ScrivenerX@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlthe whole fediverse is wholesome ❤
    11 months ago

    I think the difference is that it’s possible to actually engage with the community on Lemmy.

    On Reddit if I see something I have a story or thought on there are already 5000+ comments. The only people responding to me are trolls and those with nothing to do but look for a fight.

    On lemmy there might be 50 comments in 10 threads. Conversation can actually happen.

    It’s the difference between chatting at a party and shouting at a concert.

  • Roguelikes tend to be very good for this. They let you play and have complexity from emergent situations, not an overload of controls.

    It’s old, but if you haven’t played “enter the gungeon” pick it up! Hades is fun and well written, there is a lot of text but it doesn’t feel like an interruption. Honestly the other games from that studio fit that description.

    If you like puzzle games, everything by zachtronics is both great and very difficult. Magnum Opus is probably the best entry point, but space chem is what I started with and it’s still my true love.

    I expected to hate the souls games, mostly because of how irritating the fans are (“it’s so hard!”, “Get good!”, ect) but they are great games. They aren’t nearly as hard as everyone makes them out to be. I’m 40, so I started playing games when dying meant losing all progress, so I see the death penalty of dark souls as normal. What no one talks about is how changing your weapon changes the game drastically, to the point that stats on weapons don’t really matter, it’s all move sets.

    I also love Factorio, dwarf fortress and EUIV, but I think that’s a personal failing I have to work on.

  • The issue I have is most games aren’t fun to me.

    A two hour long tutorial where every 20 seconds I have to deal with text preventing me from playing? Never opening the game again.

    Controls that are so complicated I need that two hour tutorial? Pass.

    A decent story interrupted with 40 hours of pointless side quests? I don’t have time for that.

    A crafting system? Never fun.

    I don’t mind complicated games, I don’t mind long games, I just want to be able to play the game. Compare Elden Ring to Jedi survivor. Elden Ring let’s you play the game with minimal tutorials, Jedi survivor has pop-ups and walks you through things hours into the game. Just let me play and I’ll play.

  • It’s not easy.

    When I feel myself rushing I try to think about why I’m in a rush and what I’ll actually gain. Like maybe rushing through a task will let me play a video game or something, but what does that do? Let’s me relax? Why not relax now and try to enjoy what I’m doing, or at least avoid having to do it twice.