Art is not everything labeled art. Btw word art comes from latin ars, which means craft or skil.
Art is not everything labeled art. Btw word art comes from latin ars, which means craft or skil.
Well yea, but you have to play the right notes in the right way. This is more like bringing an philharmonic orchestra to stage and not playing a single note. Actually, that would be much more creative than this.
You can also be held accountable if doing nothing. You actually DID nothing.
Point me to some performance art where people are not ending up naked, cut, or doing some other edgy things in public.
Performance art is all about look at me doing whacky things.
Does the term Attention whore describes this “art”?
Rome lasted a lot, should we get back to empire and slavery?
I bet thousands had a worse end in Ukraine these days.
Bender with the over the top theatrical voice: LET’S GO ALREADY!