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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Skates@feddit.nltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldAdult daughter. Should I disown her!?
    4 months ago

    What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?

    1. Task the kid with something you never taught them how to do

    2. Kid fails because they don’t know how to do the thing

    3. Shout at them because you don’t know other parenting methods

    4. Do it yourself

    5. Lessons successfully taught to your child: it’s normal to not teach your children, it’s okay to shout, you can’t do anything as well as your parents, you can use your inability to do things to force others to do them

    Hey, thank your parents next time you see them, I think they might’ve helped raise my ex girlfriend.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoMemes@sopuli.xyz13 Months
    8 months ago

    You don’t need to redefine any of them if you don’t change the length of a second though, right? Because the SI unit for time is the second?

    As long as you just change the definition for non-SI units, sure kilometers or miles per hour changes, but that’s not SI, so nobody cares.

  • Add counters to progression:
    20/180 quests completed
    1805/9456 dialogue choices explored
    567/568 npcs killed
    95/102 areas explored
    And whatever else you define as progress

    Add this info into your save data. When quitting the game, open the most recent save, read the counters, compare to current values, display a nondescript “you’ve had a little/a lot of/no progress since you last saved, are you sure you want to quit without saving?” Shouldn’t take so long that it triggers a lag spike, I don’t think.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThis SUV parking
    1 year ago

    For my city, that would be the mayor - he’s in charge of local police. He’s being investigated for illegally giving away some land to some friends, who then kicked back some $$. These investigations usually end by reaching the statute of limitations, at which point everyone is outraged at how bad the justice system works for the rest of the day. And then they move on.

    Under him would be the chief of police. He is being investigated for covering up sexual harassment in the police force, and for announcing the head of the local council that a search warrant will be executed at one of his illegal businesses.

    The two adjuncts to the chief of police ride through the city in an Audi and a Porsche. They also have several houses each. They make 20000 Euro a year. Their wives are a teacher (small salary) and a doctor in a state hospital (so low pay as well). For reference, since you don’t have the context of real estate prices - I make more than the adjuncts or their wives (on paper) and I’m not even close to being able to get enough money for a first apartment, let alone my 4th house. I must be a hater or something, cause for sure there’s no corruption involved.

    Sorry if it seems I have a vigilante justice boner. I’d be the first to enjoy a regular justice boner, if I had the luxury to be able to get one in these parts.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThis SUV parking
    1 year ago

    That’s a great solution if it works. I was explaining this in another comment, but in my side of the world the police very rarely issue tickets for this type of stuff. And mostly when you call them they’ll arrive in 30 min - 1 hour because it’s “not a priority”. Don’t get me started on having something stolen (it never gets solved and they call you in a few months or years to retract your complaint because they can’t solve it and it looks bad for them), or people being noisy at night or domestic violence complaints, where sometimes they’ll ticket you for calling because you’re “wasting their time” and “when they arrived there was no noise/sound of fighting/beating someone up”. Like, of course dumbass. It happened 30 minutes ago. You think the lady spent 30 minutes arguing after the first punch? Of course they’re quiet now.

    And I’d understand their delay if they were actually busy with hard crime. But this is a small European country. We don’t have guns. Out here a “gangster” will at most pull a knife on you, and then if they don’t have another 3-4 guys with them they’ll run with their tail between their legs if you pull a knife right back. This isn’t a country of hardened criminals who grew up with the fear of bullets piercing the walls from gangs fighting on the block. Being police here is just being on a semi-vacation until 45, when you retire. They’re doing fuck all, so when you ask them to actually do their job and not even prevent, but stop an ongoing crime - they would rather stop you from complaining instead.

    Sorry, I went on a tangent there. TL;DR: my experience with police is that they’re not helpful in these cases. I’ve learnt that the way you keep peace is by having superior firepower. Immediate physical violence or cost of fixing your vandalized asset are always better deterrents to being a prick than the potential outcome of maybe paying a few bucks, if some lazy assholes do their job, but probably walking away scot-free.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThis SUV parking
    1 year ago

    It’s easy to estimate the damage to their car. What’s less easy to estimate is how damaging it is to slightly inconvenience everyone who walks by there.

    I live in a country where everyone parks like there are no laws, because the police does nothing about it. There are traffic jams and accidents on a daily basis in a small (less than 20 million people) country, all because drivers don’t give a shit if they’re leaving the car in the first lane for 20 minutes while they’re shopping, or that kids are walking through traffic because the sidewalk is considered free parking.

    Yeah, I won’t be inconvenienced too much by that guy’s car, I’ll just go around it. My neighbor in a wheelchair usually doesn’t have that luxury, he needs to pretend he’s a car for a few minutes and be in the first lane until the sidewalk is clear.

    And no, an eye for an eye doesn’t leave everyone blind. The only one left blind is the jerk who tries it on two different people.

    I know we disagree on this and that’s okay, I expect I’m on the wrong side of the fence on this one and I’m okay with it - different backgrounds & opinions & all that. I was just curious if you’re arguing from a legal point of view or from a moral point of view. Have a good one :)

  • First time I ever seriously used Linux was for work, back when I was a developer. You’d have to pay me to use it again. I like gaming, but I don’t like wasting my time troubleshooting games. Nor do I enjoy debugging random crashes/black screens in random drivers. Sure, it’s fun, but if I’m gonna work for it, someone somewhere better be signing my overtime slip. Cause I get a few hours free per day, and I’d rather not deal with sigsegv anymore if I can help it.

    Not to mention sound. My job as dev included using ALSA for some use cases. I don’t know if you ever had the misfortune to need to do that or how it went for you, but if I ever need to touch that shit again I will scalp Torvalds with a goddamn headphone jack.

    I installed windows 11 when I bought my last PC. I figured I’d give it a shot, see if it’s as bad as all my dev friends say it is. You know how many drivers I’ve had to fix to make my games work? Zero. You know how many hours I spent debugging weird issues? Also zero.

    There’s a reason windows has a price tag. And part of that reason is that it works better than free stuff. I’m a believer in FOSS, but if you’re a craftsman and you can’t hammer a nail without needing to adjust your hammer every few swings, you should find a hammer that’s not made out of silly putty and dreams.

  • At some point in the past 20-30 years I started recycling. My town had just installed these new separate trash bins, I was just tryna “do my part” and be able to say I didn’t contribute to the shit environment we will have in the future. Nowadays, I neither recycle, nor feel guilty about it. The illusion that I was doing anything productive with my time fell apart the time I saw the garbage guys pick up all the trash containers and dump them in the same truck. I asked them “hey, does the trash site have some way to sort the garbage?” thinking that maybe I was missing something. They said “nah” and moved on.

    Nowadays I still watch the same trucks pick up the same trash cans in the exact same fucking way. In the meantime I’ve learned the company belongs to someone close to the mayor, so there’s not even a chance this kinda shit will be reprimanded, ever.

    You can build the best fucking bridge you want, if there’s a corporation on the other side of the river, you’ll find yourself swimming anyway.

    So no, buddy. Blaming corpos for the results of their actions isn’t just “the new climate denial”. Some of us have been cynical for a while now, and this is just another area where we don’t trust some shithead politician’s empty slogans.

    Also, there’s no need to discredit all parties that disagree with you by aligning them with an obviously insane crowd, is there? Especially since that shit goes both ways - your post is also the type of post that a corporate shill would write. Should I label you as a corpo whitewasher, just cause your opinion is different than mine?