1 in 4 bankruptcies are military due to medical cost. We only support troops with thoughts and prayers
1 in 4 bankruptcies are military due to medical cost. We only support troops with thoughts and prayers
US jobs need to pay better for the chance of sickness and bankruptcy you’ll face
You can afford insurance and still go bankrupt.
“Medical expenses directly cause 66.5% of bankruptcies, making it the leading cause for bankruptcy. Additionally, medical problems that lead to work loss cause 44% of bankruptcies”
Blue state cab be better…
But these stats are concerning. More herehttps://www.retireguide.com/retirement-planning/risks/medical-bankruptcy-statistics/#:~:text=Medical%20expenses%20directly%20cause%2066.5,loss%20cause%2044%25%20of%20bankruptcies.
I messed up my hip once… couldn’t get it right … super painful. Chiropractor did it up and was ok from then on. Who knows!
27 times already. I’d say the math works. The Repubeicans are at their end. This is their last kicks. They know the world is changing and they are not in favor. That’s why they have the corrupt syrpeme court in a attempt to get in what the minority wants.
Funny how there’s been 27 amendments tho
Jeesh. Sign me up?
This too shall pass. Also. Welcome to the internet!
Somehow we got lucky. He wants the fireworks to play with.
Hello fellow previously rdt
GOP steps into the chat.