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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024

  • It would halve it or worse. ASUS makes a few models with built in internal batteries which work quite well.

    The type that latch onto your existing laptop display are really not great. They put a huge amount of extra force on the hinge where tons of sensitive ribbon cables live and you are severely limited in viewing angle. Not to mention you can’t move the monitor around in a tight work space or disconnect it easily to hit the field.

    A standalone portable monitor is the best solution IMO. The nicer models come with adjustable stands, protective travel cases, and USB-C DP pass through functionality.

  • People had fewer existential crises when the wealth difference between your peasant ass and the literal king was less than the wealth difference between us today and Elon Musk.

    Only half kidding. There is no point, climate change is ending modern human civilization within 50 years anyway. That is not a joke or exaggeration or shitpost. That is hard science, the models just keep getting worse and worse.

    Welcome to the end of capitalism, and humanity with it. Love yourself a little before it all ends, fam. Buy that treat. None of this matters anyway.

  • SoJB@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlFreedom to choose
    20 days ago

    Unfortunately it applies to US imperial colonies as well. South Korean white collar workers will pay about $400-800 a month for health insurance, same as Americans.

    Good thing Dems have dropped M4A from their platform!

  • SoJB@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlImportant Choices
    26 days ago

    Now that can’t be, I received word from a liberal on this very platform that the US didn’t send them $24 billion in weapons, they actually only sent $20 billion therefore the genocide is back on the menu!

    Sometimes I wonder if liberals even feel cognitive dissonance at being the same MAGA chuds they claim to hate so much.

    Ah wait, if they did, they wouldn’t be liberals!

  • My favorite part about the liberals coming in here to muster a defense is how their only argument is “but Trump would be worse,” conveniently saying nothing about how they are literally advocating for genocide.

    “But she called for ceasefire,” they cry, while simultaneously sending their daily billion dollars of bombs and ammo.

    Also omitting how the DNC is clearly complicit with the GOP and will objectively not make things better, just worse at a slower pace. As shown by the last 50 years.

    Their responses will get increasingly absurd and nonsensical the further this goes on. Behavior paralleling Israeli Zionists.

    Oh look, it happened again, liberals aligned with fascists. Really weird how that just keeps happening over and over and over and over and over and over.

    Who are the ones that want fascism again?

  • You think you’re pissed off now, wait til you find out those slackers are making more money than you and will be promoted ahead of you because, well you do such good work, how would they ever find a good replacement?

    This following sentences are something that took me years to fully internalize, thankfully it didn’t take more.

    Nobody on their deathbed ever said “I wish I worked more unpaid overtime”. Nobody grieving at a funeral ever said “I wish I spent more time at work instead of with them”.

    And nobody at your company ever said “I wish I paid you more”.

  • SoJB@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon
    1 month ago

    This is an incredibly American attitude. The appliance clearly has a commonly occurring misuse that puts consumers at risk of burning their neighborhood down.

    It would be a trivial addition to put a physical deadman’a switch on the bottom, exactly like what space heaters use.

    The role of government and regulation is to serve and protect the people. I cannot believe you are unironically advocating that corporations should just put out whatever dangerous products they want with no repercussions just because there is one specific way to use it “correctly”.

    Nevermind the million things that could happen. Cat knocks it over. Disabled or elderly person? Stoned college kid? Child?

    I guess it’s all about pErSoNaL rEsPoNsiBilItY when it benefits you, and all about collectivism when it only benefits you huh?

  • McDonalds in developed nations such as East Asia or Western Europe will generally taste much better for the same relative cost.

    This is because the US has much, much weaker food regulations than other developed countries and allows all kinds of additives, treatments, and substitutions that are straight up banned in other nations.

    This is why Americans tend to rave about the food whenever they travel internationally. Like, no sweetie, your country just allows businesses to feed you carcinogenic slop for luxury prices.