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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m a recovered addict/alcoholic 11 years sober. I think one of the reasons I’m still sober is I remember the terrible feeling of going to bed every night not wanting to drink or use, yet every morning I would be calling my plug or immediately picking up a bottle.

    I highly recommend attending an AA meeting. In the beginning they will likely ask if it’s anyone’s first time at an AA meeting. As awkward as you might feel, raise your hand. The topic should then be geared towards the newcomer, exactly what you want to hear. When the meeting was over, talk to someone. They will listen to you with out judging and share their experiences with the same thing.

    As an alcoholic, my problem wasn’t the drink or drug. My problem was that I wasn’t content in my own skin and wanted anything to change the way I felt. Alcohol was just a solution, and the solution stopped working.

    I won’t lie and tell you everything is rainbows and sunshine since I got sober, but my quality of life has drastically changed. I have self worth and can sit comfortably in my own skin.

    Seeking therapy is also something I highly recommend if you can afford it.

    If you have any other questions or just want to talk, please dm me. If you’re in the Houston area, I can take you to a meeting.