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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I assume the problem is hardware. Matt’s hardware didn’t work well with LM, therefore Matt thinks LM sucks… I do wish there was better hardware support but it’s the reason apple went with 1 product = 1 OS = 1 general set of hardware. Sure not every iPhone has the same hardware, but that’s why they have the model numbers, and it’s so much easier to test 200 model mixes than 2,000,000 (Android). Windows gets all the debug info sent directly to them like the others but they also have a huge stack of hardware they can use or they can buy it to test.

  • Do a lot of reading. Get a cyber informations systems basics overview on your own self-teaching before you try to understand it all.

    Stay away from session and matrix. Signal, Nostr, SimpleX (nvm if you use Apple products) and the like are okay, but they are all hobbyist influencable products besides Signal which gets fat government grants and just happens to use the same encryption standards as all other huge name E2EE tools.

    Stuff is fun to learn on, but get a good VPN (debates about… mullvad, ivpn, cryptostorm seem okay). here’s something fun for you and free: https://www.thc.org/segfault/

  • Then maybe you’re okay.

    A number of people can see your IP, people will chime in and add to ane remove from this list:

    Can’t see it:

    • Random people you personal message with
    • Random people you chat with in rooms

    CAN see it:

    • Server admins
    • People you share (send/rcv files with) // this may have been fixed
    • People who send you links and you click them, but this isn’t specific to Matrix, it’s a tale as old as time.
    • You voice call with someone (may have been fixed)

    Some info may be wrong. But having someone’s IP in the days of routers and all filtered ports means little, unless you piss off someone who knows some low level customer support person @ your ISP to pay to get your account info. Or you’re dealing drugs in which case use TAILS and stop fucking with technologies you don’t know the specifics of.

    If they knock you offline and you can’t access anything at all, unplug your router AND MODEM (most importantly your modem) for an hour. Go touch grass for an hour. Widdle a wee branch. Plus your boxes back in and you’ll be bright as new.

    @[email protected] this isn’t meant to be a dig at you, although last time you didn’t care to correct or learn if I recall,but often times you leave out the “if so,” “possibly, what and XYZ?'” and it ends up spreading misinformation because you didn’t know enough or care enough to type enough.

    I love Matrix but we need to be open about what the fish is before skinning it…




  • Synnr@sopuli.xyztoPrivacy@lemmy.mlDrones trespassing in my property
    16 days ago

    Just to confirm the obvious. Downvotes are expected but OP you should read this.

    They are close enough to see that they are quad copters, and they make a buzzing noise, correct?

    There have been a lot of UAP flaps where the objects (not quad copter looking) will fly low over the countryside, just above the tree-lines to much higher. They usually make no noise aside from reports of static or screeching or electronic interference.

    Unlikely to be the case but if so, report to your countries MUFON type department and get as much evidence (video with sound, drawings, time and date, etc) as you can.

    There is something else out there, whether it’s military black projects mapping areas or what have you, and it needs to be documented.

    If it is for sure quad copter drones, you can get a device to blast the 2.4Ghz spectrum for a short time and make them ‘phone home’ and the operators will stop flying them over your property once they realize something wrong keeps happening when they do. Legality varies.

    Many tutorials available to DIY. You can also buy them pre-built, just more expensive.

  • Can any late teen-early 20s armchair philosophers once-over this for me?

    I have a theory. Never before on the internet (going on 30 years of it) have I seen so many curses used but not fully spelled out (‘f*ck’ for example).

    I believe the change has to do with social media and specifically short-form video apps (Tiktok, IG Reels, Youtube Shorts) - not all of which I am familiar with, but I know at least YT and I believe TT does as well. When curse words or words like rape and murder are used in text (or ‘subtitle’ text on screen) the video reach can be penalized in some way. I assume it’s similar in comments.

    So you have a ton of the younger generation consuming hours each day of censored curse words, and in their mind it becomes just what you’re supposed to do, socially. They end up doing it with each other over text, and consequently in comments. I have a younger co-worker who will gladly say “F*ck that dude hes a b*tch” in group chat, and when I asked him why he doesn’t just say the words he’s using, he said “I just don’t like to curse.” Which makes no sense to me, as it’s the same word and intent.

    I know some Lemmy instances will remove words, but generally only ‘bitch’ and derogatory slur words.

    So I hypothesise it’s simply unexamined social conditioning, where they see their peers doing it so they do it too, never questioning why.

  • Synnr@sopuli.xyztoMemes@sopuli.xyzChill, folks
    8 months ago

    Depends on what’s in your carry-on. They don’t have acid stores (yet, well maybe in Portland) so I’ll be damned if my ten sheets are getting checked and stolen. Or my take-daily-or-die meds. Or my laptop that would be a huge clusterfuck to restore from backup.

    Imagine flying in 1 day for a wedding and they lose your checked bag with the bridesmaid dress or fitted suit. Happens all the time.

    So yeah, although stores do exist, I’m standing as soon as possible because I want to make sure not to cause myself extreme extended stress due to lost luggage.

  • I can see that. He definitely went from 30’s something hipster that was the in look a few years back to a more universal look. Someone else mentioned seeing a really happy smiling bird beak, which I can see little kids seeing (like a Rorschach test) instead of the mustache that adults see.

  • Unless you’re making more than $16 each month (most are not making anywhere close to that) from Medium then you’re just choosing another company to profit off of you. It’s also more work and takes a lot (arguably, depending on your technical comfort level) more time because again… most people have nothing of much value to say. If you’re an expert on your field or a great marketer, sure maybe you can make that $16 back and then some. Most can not. You’ll know if you can, and you can look at your medium analytics and judge that and then do the Wix thing because…

    Do you own the content that you publish on Medium?

    Yes. Everything you publish on Medium, that is rightfully yours, belongs to you and you can republish, delete or choose to convert it into other forms without worrying about anything because Medium gives you the ownership. They have clearly explained this in the Medium terms of service.

    Medium (company) might use your content to redistribute, translate or modify, and they need your permission for this. They need licensing for this because of the Medium rule; “You own your content”

    Medium is like an ocean in part because it’s so easy and free. There are some really spectacular fish and animals and rare finds and even shipwrecks full of gold and treasure. There is also a metric shit-ton of mediocrity.

    A comparison could be made to YouTube or tiktok. Sure, you can make videos and upload them to your website and then share them. But there is immense value in the existing community in algorithm.

  • The thing about medium is that it’s a trusted domain + mailing list + blog + search engine in one. All you have to do is sign up and start writing, for free.

    Sure you can have your own domain, and spin up a cheap VPS which has WordPress or other blogging software, customize and setup the share buttons and theme and other plugins, pay MailChimp or another trusted relay to actually inbox your emails, use Google Analytics or some open source complex privacy-focused analytics, and then set up your advertisements or some scheme to contact you for article product placement if you actually want to make money from it. If you’re really good and knowledgeable in your field. That’s a lot of time invested and very expensive relatively (compared to free).

    I think a lot of people just want to share their knowledge, getting paid pennies for page views comes second to that.

  • Synnr@sopuli.xyztoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldMy new favourite password manager
    9 months ago

    In theory, if I were to use an online solution, bad actors wouldn’t be able to pull my vault from memory.

    It’s the same issue once you login to your vault via browser extension. They have to download your vault locally on login to decrypt it when you enter your password anyway*. Even if they don’t store your vault password in memory, they either store the entire vault (unlikely for size reasons) or a more temporary key to access the vault. Local compromise is full compromise already.

    *If they don’t, then they either made a giant technological leap, or they’re storing your passwords on a simple database on their servers and that’s not what you want from a password manager.

  • Synnr@sopuli.xyztoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldMy new favourite password manager
    9 months ago

    Yup, I have been using KeePassXC locally since (one of) the first big LastPass breaches. I thought “password manager company… they know encryption” and then kept some of the most important things stored in my vault including notes of Bitcoin seedphrases etc. Thought "even if they get hacked, they wouldn’t let anyone exfil the huge amount of data from the USER VAULT SERVER… thought “my passphrase is like 25-30 chars long, nobody will crack that”…

    5 years after my last login and I find out the breach happened, user vaults were exfil’d, the encryption was absolute shit, and the notes weren’t even encrypted.

    I don’t trust cloud companies to keep promises or know what they’re doing today. and anything self-hosted isnt Internet accessable unless it’s on dedicated hardware subnetted off and wouldn’t matter if it got hacked.