• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • People always frown and say I’m being cynical or pessimistic whenever I tell them I’m a misanthrope. They assume I’m bitter and I irrationally hate my fellow human. Couldn’t be further from the truth. I actually like most people I meet. I just have a very low opinion of us as a species. If you look at the track record, I’m many of the most important aspects, it’s really abysmal. We have undoubtedly accomplished many great things, but we’ve also committed uncountable horrors—and both patterns will continue—but I’m not impressed in the final analysis. In fact, I’m pretty disgusted.

    Anyone interested should briefly study individual psychology vs. group psychology. Specifically, why individuals are often better problem solvers than groups. There are reasons groups tend to make worse decisions overall than individuals. In a nutshell, it’s because the loudest voices prevail in groups, not the most intelligent, educated, insightful, etc. On a grand scale, that translates to those who want power the most are the ones who wind up in the positions that wield it. And this isn’t due to any social system or set of laws or constitution; it’s due to simple human psychology.

  • and it’s the government model that is to blame?

    Yes, because it leaves itself so prone to authoritarian takeover. As I’ve said before, this is a feature of communism, not a bug. A single, one-party “transitional” government is intended. You might as well just put up a sign that says “Dictator Wanted.” This is why there isn’t a single instance of communism on a nation-state scale that hasn’t quickly devolved into an authoritarian state. It’s not hard to understand this. Your government model has to account for the reality that people are going to disagree on things and faction out. Your model has to be able to manage that process. Communism insists everyone adhere to the same ideology, and those that don’t just get “re-educated.” It’s a horrible ideology, a horrible government model; naïve utopian fantasy at best, cynical authoritarian scheme at worst.

  • No, it’s by definition not a “good” solution; it’s a last resort. I won’t deny that sometimes there are no other options, but those situations are rare.

    Something to think about, in case you’re feeling suicidal: most suicides are done impulsively, and most people who survive suicide attempts regret making them. People tend to feel strongly suicidal for only about 15 minutes at a time. After that, the feeling tends to pass, so try to remember that if you do feel suicidal. The best thing you can do in those situations is either distract yourself or simply go to sleep, because that will allow time for the feeling to pass.

    If you aren’t in therapy, please consider seeking out a decent practitioner. Even if you’ve tried it before and not felt it was helpful. Sometimes it just takes finding the right therapist for you.

    Best of luck. I know life can be really rough sometimes.

  • Your church has a stranglehold on the State of Utah and regularly influences the State government to pass laws that favor your faith above others. There was an article on Lemmy not a month or so ago about how the LDS church has been making acceptance of their views a condition for receiving social services. The “few bad actors” you and most religious people try to waive away as fringe elements of your communities are almost always present at the highest echelons of your churches and organizations, so I find it either incredibly naive or disingenuous that you ask me to ignore them.

    No, I put it to you that you are in fact the innocent sheep that hides and defends the wolves in shepherds’ clothing. You point to the seemingly innocuous tenets of your faith while ignoring the harm your religion does to society. Your beliefs should not be respected because they are objectively wrong, but you don’t deserve ridicule for being indoctrinated; your defense of your church on the other hand should be actively ridiculed, because you’re defending something quite pernicious and harmful–and you should be ashamed of that.

  • As a Taoist, I don’t believe in any deity and my beliefs boil down to letting people be who they are meant to and want to be and supporting them as much as I can in their personal journeys.

    If that’s all your “religion” consists of, then I wouldn’t categorize it as a religion. In my view, belief in supernatural processes as a requisite component of religion.

    you don’t seem to have invested much time in understanding religion as a tool and concept outside of those areas.

    You’re wrong. I know a lot about the benefits of religion–as well as how all of those benefits can be acquired without it.

    Respecting people’s cultures and religion boils down to respecting people

    No, it doesn’t. I can respect a person who happens to be racist without respecting their racism. Likewise, I can respect a religious person without respecting their religious beliefs.

  • You’re anti-theist, not an atheist. Get your bearings right for a start.

    I’m both; they’re not mutually exclusive. Get your bearings right.

    Honestly, I find the rest of your statements whimsical and unspecific, so I’m not going to respond to them individually. I will say that while my post was meant to convey the wish that modern society and culture not cater to these false beliefs in the ways we do today, I am staunchly of the belief that you cannot legislate culture and that attempts to do so always result in unjust authoritarianism; so, I would never advocate for laws that prohibit religious belief or the personal expression thereof (with certain limits based on context, of course) and would vote against them if they were proposed and I was in a position to oppose them. But I do find the fact that I’m expected to nod and smile when someone professes a patently false belief both nonsensical and detrimental to society as a whole. This opinion is unpopular by virtue of the fact that most people today disagree and think we shouldn’t correct people when they profess these kinds of falsehoods. As other atheists have pointed out, we don’t afford this luxury to flat earthers or people who believe Elvis is still alive. I simply think that’s as it should be and religious beliefs shouldn’t have this cultural privilege of being protected from casual criticism.

  • I’m not arguing that people should go around treating people who have religious or superstitious beliefs like shit; I’m saying we shouldn’t pretend their beliefs are acceptable and/or a matter of personal opinion or faith. They’re wrong. Objectively wrong. So, if someone were to say, “I’ll pray for you,” I think the response should be something like, “I’d rather you get yourself some therapy, friend; prayer isn’t real, God isn’t real, and your faith in these false concepts is holding you back.” As someone else ITT said: people deserve respect, but not necessarily their ideas.