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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I really liked ’the Fam’. It was a nice change of dynamic from previous (usually) single companions. And different from the Amy and Rory relationship too - grandfather/grandson and Ryan not being romantically involved with Yaz just felt different.

    Plus they were all good fun and bounced well off The Doctor in their different ways.

    And Jodie Whitaker was a great Doctor too. While I won’t try and defend every idea in every episode, we needed the change of pace from a decade of Moffat and Segun Akinola’s music was also excellent.

    Thirteen gave me what I wanted out of a Doctor when she left - the desire for just a bit more time with her.

  • Ah, but from where I sit (a long way from the US), it looks more like a pissing contest between the Republicans to see who can be the most terrible human being in government, than it does look like any sort of actual policy or principal.

    It’s not about helping Ukraine, or avoiding the mistakes of Afghanistan - it’s about trying to make Biden (and/or ‘The Dems’ in general) look bad, even if that involves civilian deaths.

    Are they evil, Russian agents or just absolute clowns? It doesn’t really matter, does it. The end result is the same.