Thanks for the breakdown, I follow news, but there sure is a lot of it lately. And especially with American takes on Russia, it is effectively impossible to find reliable news sources beyond literally Reddit, and now even reddit isn’t reliable. I don’t even trust American News about American news, certainly not Russian.
On #3, that isnt a regular occurrence, right? I mean, I can imagine Biden getting assassinated, and then a month later Congress gets their quarterly bribes. It definitely looks suspicious, but it’s actually business as usual.
In #s 1 and 5, that’s all post mortem, right? Are the circumstances of the actual death equally suspicious? Cause like, the CIA and FBI worked very hard to cover up their long association with Lee Harvey Oswald, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they told him to do it. Do you think it’s possible a similar situation could have occured here?
Yes, that was my point. In both situations, it’s actually quite easy to compare the 2 sides. Both America and Russia use the playbook “Might makes right”. Go ahead and argue that one or the other is worse, there’s good arguments for both. But claiming they’re incomparable is absurd, unless you’re saying it because you think they are too similar to each other to differentiate between. Just like apples and oranges are both medium size, round, sweet fruits with seeds and a reddish-yellow outside. Both groups are essentially the same thing, with a couple intrinsic, but ultimately insignificant, differences.