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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • In the beginning people will be weirded out but as it progresses I hope it gets better as it will help a lot of people. It will also be a beneficial tool for a lot of people. I am one of those that would consider it.

    I am not interested currently in a relationship and probably won’t be again with a human. Because honestly I am to spoiled of my own independence and hate compromise.

    Compromise doesn’t have to be big things. It is small things. Things like what are we going to eat tonight? Should things be here or there. I want to wake up suddenly at 3am and decide to make noise.

    Independence like if I decide this week I want to go to London. This week I just want to sit silently ignoring the world. If I want see my family or friends I can just do it.

    When a relationship turns more into a checklist of this I want and this I don’t want. Is it really a fiesable?

    Nah I rather have someone that doesn’t have their own life. Instead complements my lifestyle, has my hobbies and ideas.

    Simply give me those great parts of relationship’s but not the lows.

  • Android. I grew up with old phones where you chased the new trend but you always lost something or you where limited to what manufacturer’s limited idea. This one has good ring tones. this has amazing camera. This got real games. This one has music buttons. This one has apps(not really apps but back then impressive for a phone)

    Updates did not exist what you got in box was what you got. suddenly this device comes out where you could do anything.

    I could install real Linux, community supported software and made it better. This was my gateway because why should I accept to pay money when the moment I given you money you moved on and forced me to buy next stuff but forgot the great things you done?

  • That reason I am angry so often is because I have anxiety.

    Now this may be because I am oldish. But I grew up in world where anxiety and depression. all those things luckily existed but where associated with sadness or apathy.

    So a lot of situations where I got anxiety, for example to be late or risk of asking stupid question I became really angry.

    Making it extremely hard for people to deal with me because of the association was not something that was naturally occurring for people.

    So last year I found an article about it and it honestly changed my life. I still get angry but now I can actually try healthy coping mechanisms instead of fighting anything.