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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • I bet AI detection is going to get a lot better over time.

    I doubt it. ChatGPT 3.5 is good enough to rewrite small snippets of text with better phrasing, ChatGPT 4.0 can write a paragraph if given enough support. Good enough as in "the output is indistinguishable from what a human would have written.

    Of course you can do even more with the currently available tools - and get found out.

    There is a way to make AI generated text detectable: by slightly pushing the output towards a consistent pattern a detector can reliably judge long pieces of text as AI generated.
    Imagine if the AI is biased towards consecutive words starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet (e.g. “a blue car” instead of “a navy vehicle”.). Not strongly biased, but enough so that when there are 1000 words you can look at the probability of consecutive words starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet and get a clear result.

    There are two problems though: this only works with proprietary systems and only with long texts.

  • Make both hands into a fist and hold them out in front of you so that the knuckles are visible. Now start on a pinky and count the knuckles and valleys between them. Knuckles are 31 days, valleys are 30 (and February). When you switch between hands it doesn’t count as a valley.

    Left Pinky knucke: January, 31 days
    Left Pinky/ring finger valley: February
    Left Ring finger knuckle: march, 31
    Left Ring/middle: April, 30
    Left Middle: may, 31
    Left Middle/index: June, 30
    Left Index: July, 31
    Right Index: August, 31
    Right Index/middle: September, 30
    Right middle: Oktober, 31
    Right middle/ring: November, 30
    Right ring finger knuckle: December, 31

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonevampire rule
    2 months ago

    Afaik tiktok also heavily censors topics that are considered bad publicity or whatever. In fact, considering that this self-censor trend (edit: this type of self censor trend that utilizes cutting out vowels instead of using euphemisms or not using the words at all) is much much younger than YouTube or Instagram (at least I noticed it only a few months, maybe one or two years ago) I’d say the American companies weren’t even the driving force behind it.

  • On one hand I agree with you, the way “chemicals” are used in everyday speech differs from the text book definition.

    On the other hand, if we take our heads out of our asses and stop the "well actually"s I kinda have to agree with being against “chemicals” in food. Arsenic is naturally occurring, sure, but at what concentration? Radioactive uranium is a naturally occurring element, but I would hardly call nuclear fallout something natural.

  • Didn’t even think about that interpretation of my comment, lol

    When you grow up your sex is like the default setting for your gender. I meant it in the sense that when you grow up you get to choose how you want to express yourself. Deviation from the default setting as a choice, not like you can choose your gender. There are very strong correlations in the brain structure of trans people with people of their whished-to-be-born-as sex.