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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Having been raised in a religious household and having escaped it later in life to become an engineer/science nerd, while being ostracized by my, incredibly, incredibly disappointing parents because they refuse to learn new things or acknowledge scientific studies that conflict with their religious views:

    This answer is unequivocally, absolutely, a 100% correct take on humanity and their need for the “simplistic” and incorrect answers religion gives about the world around them.

  • I presume, like everything else wrong with Capitalism, it comes down to cost. It’s more cost efficient somehow. I don’t understand the details, because I’m not a chicken farmer, but I have been in the capitalism machine for a long, long time, and I’d bet a shitton of tax payer money that it’s purely down to cost.

    If it saves $0.02 per chicken, they’ll gladly poison the rivers, oceans, lakes, etc. with refuse and baby chick corpses.

  • In 2022, Madison Dapcevich of Snopes, the fact-checking website, investigated Lotito’s claim that he ate an entire airplane. She concluded that, although there are many accounts of Lotito’s consumption of unusual objects, and that he “very likely” consumed such objects on stage as a professional entertainer, she was unable to confirm that Lotito ate an entire airplane, or even part of one.

    Looks like there’s no real record of him having eaten a plane. Likely a tall story he or his cohorts created.

  • That’s still not how it would work.

    Ok, assuming that we’re talking about, like you say, a system that gets a breach which is storing PWs in clear text/plain text, instead of hashing it, which is a big if as those kinds of systems are either amateur/homebrew, or extinct at this point, but I digress. Let’s say it’s there.

    The attacker would run a sanitization script out of the SQL table that would shift those problem characters into proxy characters, or correct them if it’s going to cause a problem. One or two passwords lost to correct for thousands isn’t a big deal. The result of trying to put some sort of SQL Injection or CSV formatting bug into your password, hoping it was stored as plaintext, and the attacker wouldn’t be sanitizing the common formatting issues, is just silly.

    Plus, it’s not like they’re only exporting it once. They’ve usually copied the DB down locally, so they’ll see the formatting is skewed when parsing the CSV, and correct it on the next export out.

    I’m all for the humor here, I was just calling out that nothing about the ideas the OP suggested would work in real life SecOps scenarios.

    Souce: Am engineer at large corporation. Deal with scenarios and systems like this all the time.

    Edit: People are downvoting this, seemingly because they don’t like that the answer makes the OP’s joke less funny and pretty unlikely. This is why it’s difficult and frustrating to have these kinds of conversations on Lemmy or reddit. I am an expert. I responded with additional information to correct some misunderstandings. It gets down voted because…?

  • While on the topic, this isn’t how passwords work in systems.

    Passwords are stored as one way hashes. So it’s cryptoed only in one direction, it’s lossy, and can’t be recovered back to the original password.

    When you log on, your cleartext PW is hashed in ephemeral memory/storage and then the cleartext password is thrown away.

    That hash is compared to the hash in the DB. If the hash matches, then you have access. If it doesn’t, then your PW is incorrect.