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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • Certainly. The goal of such accounts is to get voters on the left to stay home. They’ll pose as a “leftist” themselves. But their real goal is to support the right.

    Similar to trolls doing the “as a (insert minority group)” then going on to post all right wing bs. They’ll use current events and whatnot. Even shitty ones most people will agree are awful. But in a way that creates more division.

    This particular account was created recently. Posts 99% anti-Biden spam. Their suggestions about the upcoming election are to stay home if you’re going to vote Biden. But if you do vote, pick Cornell West. Either of those options only helps Trump. But the real kicker is their peak activity seems to be from around 2 am eastern to 2pm eastern. Meaning they’re likely not even in the US.

  • That’s because OP is an opposition account. Intentional or not.

    The point of all the anti-Biden spamming is to suppress turn out. They’ll never concede Biden is the reasonable up coming choice. They’ll always twist the conversation to how Biden is bad. And you should feel bad for voting for him.

    It’s meant to elicit an emotional response. Make voters feel guilty about making a less than ideal but correct choice. It’s the most effective way of getting people on the left to stay home.

    These kinds of posts have been all over social media since 2016 election. It’s a really common pattern of activity to spot after a while.

  • He was by accident. What Romney and Obama were talking about during the debate was an interview Mitt had given prior.

    In that interview he was talking about going all Reagan like with being antagonistic to Russia and Iran. His view on foreign policy was Obama should be gearing up for war. Building more boats, tanks, bombs to out spend enemies like Ronnie did. Negotiating with Iran was a waste of time. Let’s just bomb people kinda stuff.

    Which was stupid. It was usual tough guy GOP foreign policy junk. When at the time soft power was working just fine. And even the EU felt Medvedev was being a reasonable partner. Romney was even specifically trying to twist Obama’s hot mic comments to Medvedev about negotiating after the election as selling out America.

    In 2012 soft power and talking out differences was getting somewhere. Which is why Romney was roundly lambasted for acting like the US should preemptively go back to Cold War style of dealing with adversaries. That approach would have guaranteed the kind of response that has happened for different reasons.

    Additional tl;dr summary thought. Obama was already in the war time President role. Romney attempting to look tougher, staked out a ludicrous position. Including claiming the US should be spending 4% of GDP on the military.

  • Only 2 good MBAs I’ve met in my entire career (I’m old) were mechanical engineers.

    Both decided to do it for promotional reasons. Both said it was an incredible waste of time and money content wise. But obviously helped career wise as they both ended up being department VP.

    I’ve strongly considered it. But now programs are 50k minimum and I just can’t bring myself to waste that kind of money. I might if any company I’m working for decides to help cover it.