• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Dunno if you’re German or Austrian or something, but in Vienna there is a Ziegelmuseum whose curator studies the history of bricks, how they were made and used and whatnot. They have a long list of brick makers in Austria, when they were active and so on.

    If you’re in another country, they could maybe help get you in contact with a historian local to you.

    Could help you learn more about your mystery brick.

  • I have worded my definition of my sexuality badly, you are right. What I am trying to say is that I am not straight if I am not exclusively attracted to “the opposite” gender. If I am also attracted to my own gender, and ones outside the spectrum, I can’t be hetero.

    I’m just sick of bi erasure in queer communities, being belittled by being called “half gay, half straight”. Or even “oh you’re just a cishet who wants to fit into queer spaces”.
    No. I am bi. Not half this, half that, not pretending. Maybe pan if one wants to follow strict definitions.

    I genuinely did not know about people who define themselves as non-binary men or women, could you help me understand? That breaks all I’ve learned from the admittedly few enby people I know, whose entire goal was not being binary.

  • Look, maybe you didn’t mean to be rude. I choose to believe that you didn’t want to insult people.

    Buy you are immensely rude. Denying peoples own definitions of sexuality and gender is rude.

    You say that liking enbies makes someone heterosexual. Which is wrong on multiple levels. I as a man can only be heterosexual if I exclusively am attracted to women.

    And enbies are not women, even if AFAB. They are neither man nor woman, that’s what makes them non-binary, that’s the point.

  • Common misconception and many of us don’t like being portrayed that way. We are not half this, half that. We are our own thing.

    Many define bi as “attraction to more than one gender” and that’s it.

    Many folks like all genders. But for example some folks only like their own gender and enbys. Your definition would exclude those people. We do not like excluding people.

  • Very often they do. Many of these internal applications are from mainframe computer times when interacting with applications exclusively via the keyboard shortcuts was the norm. In most companies, they never dared to remove those because the Power Users are used to them for decades.

    Problem is, few people are trained directly by those power users so they never learn those efficient shortcuts. And they are never well documented.