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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2024

  • I’ve never been rear ended but then I bought my G37 and it was suddenly happening on a yearly basis. In the span of one year, I had a truck back into it when it was parked in our parking lot, got rear ended in traffic, then had a car reverse into me at a stop sign (driver pulled forward to make a turn but decided they couldn’t make it so threw it in reverse and gunned it). I may have been rear ended a second time that year but it’s hard to keep track of how many people drove into this car. After a while I quit making claims because that was a pain in the ass, bumpers look like I use it to nudge cars around a junkyard.

    Edit: and the thing that makes the frequency really wild is that I used it mainly to commute ~2 miles to work, so I was in that thing less than 30 minutes a day

  • The problem isn’t scarcity in resources or lack of available work, the problem is that everything is zero sum and resources wind up locked out because there are a couple hundred assholes that look at numbers on a screen like it’s the only thing that validates their existence.

    People are starving and can’t buy houses because people like Bezos or whoever have 20,000 million dollars they’ll never use sitting in some bank account they forgot about, but they need more, so they disenfranchise the class that brings them wealth.

    Less jobs = better margins, but that all rests on the assumption that people absolutely must work full time and for the lowest bid

    We all may as well grab shovels and bury the wealth of the Earth in a big hole in the ground because that’s what happens when we inflate the worth of the wealthy. Resources just vanish into the ether

  • The guides, basically a quick and dirty walkthrough on setting it up, hopefully a few explanations about things, and a handful of common troubleshooting tips. Also pointers to a handful of communities that have helpful info in case something obscure pops up.

    Basically, teach a man how to fish, as opposed to giving him a couple.

    I think a lot of people who would otherwise dabble with a DIY home server never try because it’s pretty technical (beyond typical ‘build a pc’ stuff) so I think the education that would come with the hardware would be appreciated by many. Help them get their foot in the door by making the dive a little less scary. Nothing too over the top but point them to the places where people hang out discussing the more technical crap for when that day comes

  • “All-cause mortality” simply means death from all (or any) causes.

    So for smokers, you got a buttload of people with this thing in common, and rather than look specifically at something like deaths from lung cancer, you take a step back and look at deaths from anything. And then go in and try to find correlations and help to understand those correlations.

    It’s kind of a chicken and egg scenario, because some of those causes might not be from smoking, but from a person’s proclivity to smoke.

    For example, smokers might possibly be more impulsive than non-smokers (generally speaking) and there might be a higher risk of motor vehicle fatalities in the smoker group, but the cause wouldn’t be smoking, it’d be underlying behavioral differences that would make someone more likely to smoke.

    It’s basically looking at mortality from a distance as opposed to looking at very specific things up close (but with the data it lets people zoom in on everything)

  • With Lemmy you can make an account on one instance and set default sort to the top posts for the past hour, make an account on a different instance and set default sort on that account to top posts in the last 12 hours or Hot or whatever, bookmark them both, and have a neverending stream of new content.

    People already noted other reasons that I agree with but my current setup being 2 accounts with default sort set up like that, I vastly prefer this to Reddit’s layout

  • _bcron@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    With a 10% rate of return money doubles every 7 years, rule of 72. With wages being pretty damn flat eventually people won’t be able to afford things on income but on wealth because that’s the only thing that’s tracking alongside property valuations. Edit: basically peak capitalism