A bro-job, for good measure
A bro-job, for good measure
I think you’re onto something
I couldn’t not do that as well, which implies that to get that stinking rich and stay that way you must be some degree of sociopath
I just smack the whole can on the counter. The lid onto the counter edge, to be clear. Seems to work consistently, and lots of room to apply more force if needed
You’re forklift certified?? I bow to you
This is supposed to quantify intelligence but how are these criteria quantified? Seems like the same fundamental issue
Inflation, yes, but you’re missing the spirit of the complaint.
Damn there’s so much to agree with. The way you’ve found a common thread in all this, it puts into words many criticisms I’ve started to foster. growing up in capitalism with such a far reach (into our private lives) and high speed is absolutely leaving it’s mark on the culture.
Well, how do you define middle class? Is there a certain income bracket that needs to be met? Or is it the middle slice of 3 equally sliced segments of the US population?
Everybody’s init? Sounds just like her
All y’all’s “all y’all” for all and for y’all
That’s cool, and I would pay a small fee for the convenience of not having to carry all that around
on the whole
is the key words here
individually the door has that 1:2 chance, but the scenario has more context and information and thus better odds. Choosing scenario B over scenario A is a better wager
I find the easiest way to understand Monty Hall is to think of it in a meta way:
Situation A - A person picks one of three doors, 1 n 3 chance of success.
Situation B - A person picks one of two doors, 1 in 2 chance of success.
If you were an observer of these two situations (not the person choosing doors) and you were gonna bet on which situation will more often succeed, clearly the second choice.
Watching Friends on Netflix in 4k is really trippy, since there are shows filmed just a little later on digital that look so bad.
Very cool, had no idea it was that simple
As a 2-stroke myself, I can confirm oil for lubrication is not required