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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Outside of suicidality, it’s important to not give advice outside of what’s asked for. It’s useful to talk in respect to your own experiences and not make universal claims about what works for you personally.

    Thanks for this.

    There is a german proverb for this: “Ratschläge sind auch Schläge”, meaning that advice, even when given with good intention, feels like a punch. Every time someone gave me advice i didn’t ask for while depressed felt horrible, like an accusation of laziness and lack of discipline. Don’t do this.

  • I never did, i replaced them often tho.

    Binge Eating, Cigarettes, Drinking, smoking pot… dropped all that tho when i got hooked on a cocktail of Tramadol, Hydromorphon, Lorazepam and Fentanyl through my doctors because of chronic pain. started abusing that stuff and had a few close calls. I tried quitting cold turkey but wasn’t strong enough.

    Forged a pact with my doctor, deposited my pain meds at his place and saw him 3 times per week for my next dose for over a year, but i couldn’t stop abusing my meds.

    Finally last year with the help of my therapist and a program for addicts transited over to suboxone.

    i’m still addicted, but it’s not self destructive anymore. When i’m feeling ready, i will slowly reduce my substitution over months, but even if i’m never ready for it, at least i do not damage my personal relations and my health anymore, i’ts just a pill in the morning to keep the cravings away.

    The important part was putting my addiction on the table. Addiction thrives on feelings of shame, and i went through a lot just to hide my vice from my partner. Putting it into the open enabled me to get help - first in therapy, then with my doctor, and then with my partner.

    Tl;dr: Get Therapy, start talking about your addiction to get rid of the shame, many addictions can be replaced with less damaging / health-neutral options if you’re not ready to leave your crutches behind yet.