Just another Swedish programming sysadmin person.
Coffee is always the answer.

And beware my spaghet.

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’ve heard quite a lot of discourse in regards to unlawful gameplay, I just personally have trouble seeing how it could ever be non-aggressive, it’s by its very definition antagonistic after all. Could definitely vary in the amount of aggression though, and CIG’s definition of “unaggressive unlawful” seems to be stealth - which I can definitely get behind.

    CIG does at least seem to finally be adding more versions of actually non-aggressive lawful missions, not just the various flavours of hand-box delivery missions we have today.

  • This looks really odd in relation to other fediverse software; Why /magic and required to be on the root of the domain? Why hard-require routing the domain part of the user ID when .well-known/webfinger exists? Why is there a X-Open-Web-Auth header which the spec only describes as “its purpose is unclear from the code”?
    So many questions.

    I definitely like the idea of distributed sign-in, Solid did a decent work of that many years ago after all. This particular proposal just looks rather odd.

  • Flatpak uses OSTree - a git-like system for storing and transferring binary data (commonly referred to as ‘blobs’), and that system works by addressing such blobs by hashes of their content, using Linux hardlinks (multiple inodes all referring to the same disk blocks) to refer to the same data everywhere it’s used.

    So basically, whenever Flatpak tells OSTree to download something, it will only ever store only copy of that same object (.so-file, binary, font, etc), regardless of how many times it’s used by applications across the install.
    Note that this only happens internally in the OSTree repo - i.e. /var/lib/flatpak or ~/.local/share/flatpak, so if you have multiple separate Flatpak installations on your system then they can’t automagically de-duplicate data between each other.