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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • I have a couple Lenovo tiny form factors: an M700 8GB w/ J3710 running Pihole on Ubuntu server—which is total overkill in both CPU and mem; and an M73, 4GB w/4th gen i3 running jellyfin server on Mint 21.3. Certain kinds of transcoding brings it to its knees but for most 1080p streaming it’s fine. Memory is a bit tight; 8G would be better. It has a usb3 2T drive for video files that runs more than quick enough. Serial adapters are available if you want to use the console.

    The latter has been running for I think a couple years. The former I just set up.

    But I’ve been shopping for newer gear for the Jellyfin server. I think you could get a Dell, HP, or Lenovo 6th gen TFF with 8G and 256-512G internal SSD within your price range.

    I see some EliteDesk G800 G3 (6th gen Intel) tinys with no disk for $50-70 shipped on eBay in the US. I think those look the coolest by far :)

    You could find one with no disk, no ram and config as you please and probably still come in under budget.


    My eventual plan for the Jellyfin server is a SFF, probably an HP with enough space to fit a couple of big HDDs, plus 16G ram and a newer CPU that can transcode on the fly without lag.

  • FWIW it is doable :) since I have Fedora (37) and a separate /home and / device. Btrfs in my case.

    How did you deal with the home sub volume?

    I will edit this with hopefully useful info about my fstab etc. in a few min…

    — okey dokey —

    Here’s my fstab. I had to comment out the home subvol and mount /home

    UUID=02b32afc-3e05-412b-8781-xxx /                       btrfs   subvol=root,compress=zstd:1 0 0
    UUID=e82e80a8-b169-4127-90ad-xxx /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=D358-0ADF          /boot/efi               vfat    umask=0077,shortname=winnt 0 2
    #UUID=02b32afc-3e05-412b-8781-xxx /home                   btrfs   subvol=home,compress=zstd:1 0 0
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/7b194608-a407-4c2c-a0d8-xxx /home auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

    Permissions on /home mount point (before mounting device to mountpoint):

    $ ls -la /home
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   0 Jan  5 20:47 .
    dr-xr-xr-x. 1 root root 166 Feb 27 18:36 ..
    $ sudo getfacl home
    # file: home
    # owner: root
    # group: root

    Relevant output from df

    $ df
    Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdb3       998540288   5447260 991484436   1% /
    /dev/nvme0n1p6 1248619684 932769256 258218276  79% /home

    Home dir permissions

    $ ls -ldZ /home/mes
    drwxr-xr-x. 196 mes mes system_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 12288 Feb 27 19:13 /home/mes
    $ sudo getfacl /home/mes
    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: home/mes
    # owner: mes
    # group: mes

    Let me know if I can give any additional info.

  • You stated that “overthrow” is an exaggeration because buildings didn’t burn or whatever. That’s not the definition of overthrow.

    The fact is, people tried to overturn the US Presidential Election by extralegal means including force, with the intent of putting in place an illegitimate leader. That meets the definition of overthrow and insurrection.

    Of course, if you are operating on right wing propaganda instead of facts, you won’t agree.

    And if your epistemology is clouded with superstitious thinking and unchecked cognitive biases, you won’t ever be able to see through the bullshit.

  • You would also have to make the die visible. Just because “source code” is open doesn’t prove the development chain hasn’t been compromised. That’s the gist of the paper referenced above. If a bad guy swaps their design for the open source design when the chips are fabbed, you’ll never know by looking at the source.