алсааас [she/they]


ur local depressed transfem, mostly here to liquidate years of piled up meme reserves

also on mastodon

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Praying works: “Thank God!111!”

    Praying doesn’t work: “God works in mysterious ways… 🤷‍♀️”

    Like sure if you need that as a way to cope with a depressing reality. But that is the main function of religion: to keep folks complacent, governable and prevent systemic change

    (dw am not some kind of “religion bad!! no, I never interacted with organized spirituality, why do you ask?”-person. That’s just what growing up with real /j Orthodox Christianity and two hours of liturgy on most Sundays does to a critically inclined mf lol)

  • I agree with your take on passing and that the warped self perception is harmful.

    What I was getting at with the toxic positivity: Some ppl will literally call everything that moves in a gnc way an egg (“wdym you identify as cis? But you cross dress and do things which do not correspond with your agab. You must be an egg” which itself perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Another example would be all those “are you trans test” which just ask you stereotypical question and will categorize in the gender binary). Will lie about appearances and voice when asked for genuine feedback, as well as display overly aggresive confidence in their ignorance of others insecurities/anxiety/issues (e.g. “why don’t you come out at work, I was perfectly fine,just put on a wig; you just need a little push.”) Was not talking about being denied the ability to promote self hatred

    and if my comment seemed to direct hate at others I am sorry about that, since it wasn’t my intention to do so.

  • Hard agree, I just got a case of the brainworms during my last mental breakdown phase (still ongiong). I did/do hate myself enough enough to browse it for a while (luckily I never rly posted/participated and only been there for a short while). Also deleted the app I used to acces the chans but I’m still sorry for all the ppl on /lgbt/ bc I feel the pain and dysphoria lvls

    Some vocabulary, however, is just accurate and fitting imo.

    Fyi: I’m against the full medicalization of trans-ness and think a model akin to the on of neurodivergency would be a good pov. (fuck truscums, tho as I said I feel sorry for their lvls of hatred, as I can very much relate).

    But they are right about some things like the toxic positivity in many trans spaces, especially hugboxing.