• 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2021


  • You aren’t the primary customer for RHEL, or user here they’re trying to get money from. Businesses run this primarily on servers and have used CentOS historically (now Rocky/Alma) to help expand beyond the RHEL they pay for, if they pay for it. They think businesses will pay up for RHEL now, rather than just move to Amazon Linux or another distro entirely like Debian.

    Not sure how many desktop customers RHEL has to he honest. Don’t know of any businesses of scale that they would buy RHEL that use Linux on the desktop

  • Have to also add to the voices recommending Debian stable. I’ve used it now for ten straight years after I stopped distro-hopping for my servers and desktop, and I cannot imagine using another distro. It’s incredibly stable, but the best part of Debian is the absolutely expansive repositories that even the Arch User Repository can’t beat. Very rarely do I ever need to use Flatpak (ugh) for packages, or look to add in new external repositories.