19 furry artist and sculptor. Commissions open just ask!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I think deepfake porn is a bad call. Not only are you using nudes w/o the people’s permission to train the a.i. but you’re generating graphic content of people who don’t want themselves exposed like that

    I would like to see darknetmarkets make a comeback. There really isn’t a way to find any darknet sites without being told about it. shoplifting would be a good one too esp since that subreddit always discouraged people from stealing from small businesses/encouraged ethical stealing which I appreciate.

    I also think subreddits centered around conspiracies like pizzagate should make a comeback even though that doesn’t interest me personally.

    I’m flippant on cringeanarchy. Before it was taken over by trolls, racists, etc, it was actually interesting. I’d like to see something similar but I worry it invites the same fate

  • When there’s no war, people like Hitler won’t have any opposition to their rise to power. Haiti never gains independence. We’d never have escaped feudalism.

    Most wars are stupid bullshit and suck ass. The military, especially the US military, is the biggest waste of money ever. That doesn’t mean that war isn’t directly tied to lots of positive things like innovation. There’s so much medical, industrial, and geographical knowledge we wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for some war, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. People’s ideas will always conflict because different groups of people are going to have goals unique to them that clash with others

    Now if you were to ask how to stop unnecessary wars, better more efficient rulers. Most of the people in power today are complete hacks. It’s crazy

    But I don’t think we’ll ever get rid of war and I don’t know if that’s necessarily that crazy? Ultimately it’s apart of how we grow as societies

  • you can use an indoor adhesive to fill the chipped area, paint it, and glaze it to fix it. there’s different adhesives and glazes out there so I would recommend looking into what the mug’s made of and trying to match materials. Keep in mind that if it’s dishwasher/microwave safe the adhesive/glaze you use might affect that

    You can also use a polymer clay and glaze to fix it. Keep in mind polymer clay needs to bake to set so the mug HAS to be dishwasher safe (since it’ll be able to withstand high heats!)

  • To answer very literally, no. The water itself isn’t thicker, it’s the same. It is denser because the pressure is significantly higher, because the water is colder, and to a small degree because salt settles down

    However I also wanted to consider what’s in the water so I did a bit of research and while there’s a higher density of salt at the bottom of the ocean there’s more bacteria and other small organisms higher up toward the top of the water. So if you’re only thinking about pure water than it’s the same but if you’re trying to compare water content it seems to be thicker / more condensed higher up

  • Oat milk oat milk oat milk. OAT MILK. I can’t describe how much I hate powdered milk and as much as I like oatmeal I can only eat so much. Me and my sister have taken the leftover oat mulch and mixed it with a flavor packet from some other dried food to make pancakes but I don’t recommend it.

    On the topic of black beans if you like Mexican food/have spices you can low boil the beans (with the juice and some water) with onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper to make beans that go really good with chicken / rice / eating by themself ngl

    If you end up with a lot of dry pastas I low-key like to eat em right out the box (I just dump the flavor packet and shake it) but you can fry the noodles to get like chips

    Canned peas aren’t gross imo but it’s soooo easy to make fried rice with leftover rice (the rice has to be cooked and then cooled) peas, garlic, egg and onions and then you just add whatever else you want (+ idk where you live but here I just walk into chains like panda express and grab soy sauce packets). Bonus points if you take the egg yolks and mix them into the cold rice - it’ll coat the grain and give it that Chinese food texture

    Also don’t diss pancake mix, almost every pancake mix doubles as a “bake starter” which means you can use it to make cakes, muffins, fry batter, etc etc. I like to make biscuits

    Peanut butter is another versatile one but something different you can try is making peanut sauce which is so delicious with instant ramen noodles.

    I also used to always end up with canned chicken?? I would basically just use it like ground meat lol

  • I’m gonna try and answer your questions one by one

    Let me preface with the fediverse pyramid. It goes projects (like Lemmy, mastodon, kbin which is what you’re on, etc). Then on all of these are instances which are like micro websites / servers. These instances host communities. You make your account on an instance which hosts all your information and posts, but you can interact with other instances

    YES you can follow any community that’s made inside of an instance that isn’t your own. You’re on kbin so I’m not sure exactly how that looks for you but if I wanted to sub to this community for example I would put [email protected] in the search bar

    Federation is what allows these separate instances to talk to each other. If a community and another community have interests that directly counter each other, one might defederate with another. That means that if your account is hosted on one you can’t interact with the other. Accounts that aren’t on either are unaffected

    No. Especially if they’re on the same project. I made this mistake too lol. Some projects are not able to post onto other projects right now, mostly because they update separately so sometimes they fall out of sync. Right now Lemmy users can’t make a post to mastodon, but mastodon users can post to Lemmy. I think kbin users can post to both

    Also no, sorry. You’ll have to delete those extra accounts ^^; if you want to have different formated accounts (like how kbin has a magazine and Mastodon has a blog) you can’t link them. Personally I think of it like having a reddit account and a Twitter

    Yes, you just have to search for the group like I said in response to question one

    Any follow up questions just ask