• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think what they stated was that they spent $400 on R&D in 2023 - you know, the year where, after 20 years of twiddling their thumbs and doing shit-all, depending on volunteers to run the site, and RES and 3rd party apps to make it usable, and imgur to provide hosting, etc etc - the year when they finally had to actually do some real coding.

    I’m wondering how much of 2023’s R&D was spurred by restricting the API code, and then allowing certain applications access; having to finally take seriously their decade-old promise to develop mod tools with no planning or preparation; their total surprise at having to provide access to disabled people; and having to update their app. Those are all areas where they were extremely happy to let languish, and which they suddenly had to provide expedited support for after the protests.

  • The cheapest one is apparently in the town next door. It’s a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 984 square foot single family home built in 1955, on a third-of-an-acre lot with no HOA.

    All the pictures are of the outside only, so I’m assuming the inside is pure shit. However, I also have to assume it’s some kind of liveable shit, because the places that aren’t liveable generally have to list as “0 bedrooms”.

    It’s $60,000, in south/central New Jersey. Or $665 per month, which includes 30 year mortgage as well as property taxes.

  • Have you tried a white noise generator, to stop you waking up in the first place? I use TMSoft (apple, Android, pc, web browser). I use a combination of pink noise, rain and thunder - the thunder especially helps with bass notes like garbage trucks and lawn mowers.

    You can import your own sounds, use sounds other people uploaded, make your own mixes, change the relative intensity of different sounds (I usually have the pink noise faded behind the rain), change pitch and speed and variability of individual sounds (the rain is pitched a little too high and fast for me to fall asleep to, so I slowed it down and made it deeper), etc. Very nice little app, but try any white noise generator, really.

    It might also be a combination of other things making you sleep less deeply at that time. So maybe blackout curtains or a sleep mask, pee before you go to bed, etc etc etc.

  • They said years ago that they only kept one previous version, which is why everyone overwrote and then deleted their stuff.

    It’s possible that reddit changed that, but honestly? That requires a level of foresight that I believe is entirely beyond spez. He didn’t foresee AI products, he literally paid all the bandwidth for them to harvest the data, he didn’t foresee changes to API pricing, he didn’t foresee the protests, how long they’d last, or how many people just walked away.

    Hell, in the previous big “closed subs” protest they’d never even considered a moderator rebellion: once the mods took the subs private, the admins were accidentally locked out as well - they had to negotiate to get them re-opened while they worked on backdoor changes that wouldn’t break reddit.

    I just don’t see them having the foresight to add in preservation code, nor to allocate the database and storage space to keep up with it. I think if you overwrote and then deleted your stuff, reddit doesn’t have it anymore. Of course, it’s still out there, in Google’s cache and the internet archive and all the other snapshots she preservation schemes and the data already harvested for the various AIs, but at least it’s no longer indeed reddit’s control, and they won’t be able to profit from it.

  • Spez has spent his entire time as CEO chasing the latest tech shiny - reddit crypto, reddit NFTs, reddit video a la TikTok. And he’s always managed to do it after the craze has started to peak. So now he’s chasing the latest shiny, reddit AI, starting a full year after everyone else already released their products.

    He’s late yet again, and he’s proven repeatedly that’s he’s failed to understand reddit’s greatest strengths and value. This “reddit AI content” and the IPO is his last chance to get some value out of reddit, and his last chance to make money for nothing because no one is going to hire him in a leadership role ever again. I just wonder if he’s smart enough to understand that, or whether he’s just hoping to get enough money to fully build out and stock his personal doomsday bunker.

  • I’m going to toss in:

    Vote411.org, the site was established and is run by the League of Women Voters, an organization that has worked for over a century in registering voters, providing voter information, and advocating for voting rights. They provide information about the candidates and their stances on different issues. A candidate may choose not the provide answers to their standardized questions, but then I would question what the candidate is trying to hide.

    ISideWith: answer a bunch of multiple-choice questions about your values, goals and opinions, and they’ll tell you how well each candidate ‘matches’ your opinions. There are often additional questions if you’d like to refine your stance beyond the original options given.

  • This is actually what I think Huffman’s biggest weakness as a CEO is. CEOs are supposed to be forward-thinking, coming in ahead of or on top of the next new wave. But Huffman sees an exciting new tech trend, waits until it gets big and then tries to cash in on it. He didn’t start reddit crypto until crypto was at it’s peak. He didn’t do reddit NFTs until they were peaking. He didn’t try to do reddit video until after TikTok was huge. He only shut the API door after he’d paid all the bandwidth and infrastructure cost to transfer all of reddit’s valuable user commentary to multiple AI companies, including some of the richest corporations in the world. He absolutely fucking sucks as a CEO.

  • They don’t. But the dot-com frenzy where people threw money at anything tech-related is long over, and investment firms aren’t going to give lots of money to a barely-profitable business with a long history of bad decisions. Oh, they’ll buy some stock but it’s not going to be the massive frenzy Huffman desperately wants. He’s going to take whatever he gets and work on his doomsday bunker, and reddit will continue to contribute to the enshittification of both the internet, and society in general.