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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • There are good sides to DST, such as coming home “earlier” (by the sun clock but not by the social clock) from school or work and therefore having more hours of daylight during the free time after work. These positive effects may go beyond subjective feelings. A study has shown for example that activity increases with longer evening daylight (Goodman et al., 2014) – albeit with small biological effect sizes (≈6% difference in the daily activity between the Standard Time of the year and DST, adjusted for photoperiod). Interestingly these results of the above study were culture-specific: a significant increase was mainly observed in Europe and to some extent in Australia, while no significant effects or even slightly negative effects were seen in the United States and Brazil.

    Fucking duh. This is the sticking point for me, and I am disappointed that the article doesn’t mention the effect of latitude here. Very easy for muricans to say “DST is not useful” when these fuckers never get pitch-black night before 6pm or full daylight before 6am ST.

    Brussels is on the same latitude as Calgary. ST robs every office worker of one hour of useful daylight. That’s it. That’s the whole argument for permanent DST. Businesses will not change their opening hours, so permanent ST means a net loss of one active hour in the day for every office worker. Permanent DST in Europe means someone working 9-6 would not have to drive home at night for 4 months of the year and could maybe even take the dog for a walk in the evening sun.

  • The main display that shows your speed,etc. randomly shutting down

    I know two people who had this exact issue with their new-gen Golf. First cause was the French language would crash the whole dash if you cycled the dashboard views (to my knowledge they never fixed the issue and the workaround is to set the car to English). Second cause was a malformed JPEG from a radio station would cause the dash to bootloop until you drove far enough from said radio station, which would allow the car to work long enough to disable that feature (IIRC).

    So yeah, QA is down the fucking drain with VW on their latest gen. They had a new CEO, and now a new one again I think? But the reputational damage has been done. Too bad, I really liked my '18 Polo.

  • The kind that rails on “anti authoritarianism”? Or do you have a charitable interpretation of “authoritarianism” that is somehow compatible with democracy?

    I also fail to see what any of that has to do with capitalism, which I have neither defended nor mentioned yet you brought up.

    Goddam arguing with tankies and their endless litany of non-sequiturs is such a pointless exercise.

  • Typical Stalinism/Maoism: Anyone who opposes my implementation of Marxism is an enemy of the proletariat and can be persecuted to any extent. These people agree with the mainstream idea that communism can’t be implemented democratically, but come to the conclusion that democracy must be abolished.

    This meme is an open dogwhistle to tankies and thankfully meaningless to anyone who hasn’t fallen into or interacted with this small subsection of the far-left.

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlBeing Agile
    20 days ago

    What kind of non-agile bottom-up software projects have you experienced? Bottom-up waterfall? I guess it’s possible in theory but that would be a sight to behold.

    My only point is that in most situations, upper management are fools that should be left to their devices and should never get a say in development methodologies. By definition if upper management imposes Scrum, it’s a self-defeating prophecy.

    Waterfall Agile Scrum
    Top-down Can be great (esp. with rigid requirements like fintech, for safety-critical systems, or integration with traditional engineering processes with rigid schedules and feature sets) but will probably be more expensive Bad managers trying to make-up for their own lack of foresight Can’t exist (but some companies pretend very hard)
    Bottom-up Probably can’t exist (but I haven’t seen anyone try) Yes Yes

    Your average tech company should be somewhere in the bottom-right, but bad managers are trying to pull the needle upwards to justify their existence or make up for their incompetence. But they still call that “Agile” (which can be true by some definitions of the word) or “Scrum” (which that isn’t, by definition).

  • Good software does not come out of companies without a bottom-up approach to software development. Top-down approaches are either terrible or extremely expensive.

    Agile development is something that at my company we fought for, not against. It’s literally impossible to fight against actual agile development since it has to come from the workers. Agile is not scrum, and neither are a collection of ceremonies. It’s just a framework to give agency to developers.

  • Scrum is not the be-all end-all, but in organizations that cannot implement scrum effectively, no system could hope to achieve anything meaningful either.

    Scrum aims at empowering workers to remove power from clueless MBAs and meritless CEOs, if they don’t want to play ball then the idiocracy will win every time regardless.

  • I don’t think there is one beyond “hey look we all know this thing”.

    Americans: “We are a diverse patchwork of cultures and saying the US is one gigantic boring monoculture just because we share a common language is offensive”

    Also Americans: hundreds of millions of people literally all relate to the same quirky element of childhood imposed through immense conformist institutions, can’t even process the idea that other cultures exist that do not relate to this specific element.

  • I’ve witnessed similar corporate screwups from the inside, I know the greed and political games and misaligned incentives that allow for such an obviously and catastrophically badly scoped project to be pushed dead-on-arrival in production, against the advice of literally anyone with a pair of eyes and literally any honesty.

    Intellectually, I understand. Yet my heart doesn’t, because it refuses to believe the sheer amount of collective stupidity and outright malice at every level of management, consistently for years on end, required to achieve these outcomes. How anyone can sleep at night with “Product Manager for New Outlook” on their resume is beyond me.

  • Anyone who praises FP is either a student, works primarily in academia, or otherwise never had to look at a deep stack trace in their life.

    Every time a production system spits out a backtrace that’s just 15 event loop calls into a random callback, I lose 6 months life expectancy. Then I go look at the source, and the “go to definition” of my LSP never works because WHY WOULD IT, IT’S ALL FUNCTIONAL hapi.register CALLS

    I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it. I support UBI because the people pushing functional programming in real production systems should be reassigned to gardening duties.

  • City with a metropolitan area of 600k:

    Yesterday I went to IKEA (i.e. suburb-to-suburb). Google Maps said:

    • Car: 20 min
    • Public Transit: 1h20min
    • Bicycle: 1h

    So… Technically it is possible. However no-one does this unless they are forced to by their circumstances. We’ve begun building one tram line and the construction process has gone so catastrophically the entire country knows about it. At this rate the urban transition away from the car will be done by 2250.

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlA new trolley era
    2 months ago
    1. Then don’t call it autopilot
    2. What’s the point of automated steering if you have to remain 100 % attentive? To spare the driver the terrible burden of moving the wheel a couple mm either way? It is well studied and observed that people are less attentive when they’re not actively driving, which, FUCKING DUH.

    Manufacturers provide this feature for the implicit purpose of enabling distracted driving. Yet they will not accept liability if someone drives distractedly.

    Next in We Are Not Liable For How Consumers Use Our Product, Elon will replace the speedometer by Candy Crush with small text that says “pwease do not use while dwiving UwU”.

  • Although no-one likes the Québécois, and they don’t like anyone else either, their linguistic and cultural ties to Europe allowed them to bring the Civil Code, delicious pastries, and proportional representation to the Constitution of this new country.

    However they are now very resentful of the positive effect this had on the other States and a separatist Québécois party is trying to impose a Federal Pastry Export Moratorium.

  • Probably helps that their legs are wayy lighter though. Square-cube law strikes again.

    I actually like sitting up high, but I just tried sitting on my desk and I reflexively tensed my thigh muscles to keep my legs slightly raised. Otherwise the dead weight of my legs pulls me forward against the edge of the desk, which is uncomfortable. Maybe a short person can chime in with their own experience lol

  • The much more general I’d give is don’t brake at speed. Well do if you have to, but afterwards look back and see how it could have been avoided with better planning. Outside of a handful of situations (offramps, downhills, some wild speed limit changes, and of course coming to a complete stop) engine braking is more than sufficient for any driver that actually anticipates and maintains a safe following distance. Not only is it much safer, forces you to think ahead, but it also greatly reduces fuel consumption.

    It’s also IMO the best way to ride a motorcycle spiritedly on the road.

    (However you should also know how to perform an emergency stop. Whether you’re in a car, on a bicycle, or a motorcycle, get on a straight and train for the hardest possible stop. It might save yours or someone else’s life someday. Crazy that some drivers don’t even know what their ABS feels like!)

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlCome on Barbie lets go Party
    4 months ago

    But it DOES NOT explain the origins. The USSR and the Nazis are not CAUSES. They CAN’T BE because otherwise Europe would never integrated elements of socialism!

    I think we actually agree on that, it’s just semantics at this point. Whatever.

    Also watch your aggressiveness. I didn’t call you names and I expect the same in return.