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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nobody uses dropbox because they like dropbox. They use it because it’s usually the only such service supported by the stupid fucking app they need on the stupid fucking ipad their company insists they use which has no other viable way to put files on and off of the fucking cunting thing because apple is fucking stupid and so is this god damn company.

    Someone once told the IT manager that apple devices are “the most secure” and he doesn’t even fucking realise that by forcing us to use fucking stupid third party fucking services like fucking dropbox to get files on and off that they are subjecting confidential commercial fucking information to being fucking exposed to third fucking party boneless fucking cunts.

  • I disagree. I will not under any circumstances be advertised to in my own home.

    I’m happy to pay for your goods and services, but if you break that agreement our relationship is immediately concluded. The penalty for breaking the original terms of our agreement is that I will take what I originally paid for in perpetuity. You had your chance.

    Same rules apply for attempting to renegotiate the rules whilst the ball is in play: see Amazon’s new trend of attempting to charge an additional monthly fee of the same amount as the initial service to access documentaries etc. They’re finished.

  • In a past life I took a bunch of physiology and advanced physiology courses at uni, as well as epidemiology/ population health focused courses and worked with a lot of people on their overall health and fitness. There are so many good reasons to make time for cardio. Ignoring calories for a minute, it has an overwhelmingly positive effect on mental health and wellbeing as well as significantly reducing disability adjusted life years, maintaining balance and strength into old age and reducing the risk and severity of falls as well as a host of cardiovascular diseases.

    Heavy cardio also has a startlingly fast positive impact on the visual appearance of your body even in caloric balance, which can go a long way towards keeping you motivated with any dietary changes you may be making.

    Having said all that, I find that for those who are just starting their fitness/weight loss journey cardio exercise can set off an absolute rocket of hunger that can potentially undo a lot of good work. I know for me, that hunger after a really hard run can far outweigh the calories I have just burned on that run.

    For sedentary individuals just coming to the table, I had way more success in terms of both results and adherence by using programs where the cardio component kicked off with fast paced walking or hill walking for many months before trying to introduce running, swimming or other forms of higher intensity exercise. All of this backed up by a solid resistance training program.

    Once you are starting to see concerete progress towards your goals with something as easy as WALKING and a few weights multiple times per week it’s way easier to stay on track once the hunger kicks in after your first few runs.

    The battle is real.

  • If you are aware of this issue, it is your obligation to tell all of your friends, family, associates and coworkers to stop using Chrome immediately, and try out a new search engine.

    It’s the least you can do.

    This behaviour by Google is not going to stop. The mask has slipped too many times. They have become the very thing they swore to destroy.

    Not many people will be ready to de Google their phones and stop buying their products. It’s the little things that will hurt them the most and show they’ve stepped over a line this last year or so.